Kyouko 5cM • 5cM Adv. System Notes
Kyouko 5cM
※ Based on ACBL SAYC, with modifications of:
4-way transfers (2[3]♠️→♣️, 2[3]NT→♦️)
1NT-3m, 6+ Inv. to 3NT
Discplined jumpshifts (Soloway; 17+ good suit, 18+ BAL)
Splinters (Double JS)
1y-3x Inv. JS
Splinters (Double JS), 1NT-3M
Help Suit Game Try
Checkback Stayman
4th suit forcing to game
Strong 2♣️ requires 8.5 tricks
2♡=negative, 2NT=♡ positive, Ⅹ=weak in comp.
Weak 2s' range split: 5-8 / 9-11
Gambling 3NT
RKC Gerber & Blackwood 0314 over 1NT, 2NT, Stayman responses
5NT Pick-A-Slam
D0P1/R0P1; DEPO above 5 trump
5NT Pick-A-Slam
Supp. Ⅹ & ⅩⅩ → 2♡
Simple Overcall: 7-17 HCP
Lebensohl (after 1NT interferences, over reverses & T/O Ⅹ of weak 2)
Min-Max Michaels & UNT
Cappelletti after 1NT openings
Gates Ⅹ BPH for 5+S & 4H
Balancing 2NT overcall = 19~21
2NT overcalls after weak 2s = 15~18 BAL, Systems on
Coded 10s & 9s (a.k.a. 0 or 2 higher, Jack denies)
Kyouko 5cM Adv.
※ In addition to Kyouko 5cM:
1NT w/ good 14, 2NT w/ good 19
1NT-2♠️ Rodwell (min./max. inquiry)
Reverse Drury (=GIB-style rebids)
Smolen (4M & 5oM)
Kokish 3-way G/T (=GIB's "2-way" G/T)
Help Suit Game Try (except 1♠️-2♠️-3♡)
Criss-Cross (J/S in om = forcing raise)
2NT after weak 2s: shortage asking (9-11 max.)
New suits resp.s to preempts = Non-Forcing
Quant. Gerber 0314
Excluision 0314 (Triple JS)
Neg/Resp Ⅹ → 3♠️
Snapdragon Ⅹ→ 2♠️
6~9 pts, H*x/xxx support (* top honor of AKQ)
Card-showing Ⅹ (a.k.a. Do Something Intelligent, Partner X)
Passes forcing to game
Jump cuebid = Mixed raise (6~9 pts + 4+cd)
Fit-Showing Jumps BPH @ in comp.
Unusual vs. Unusual (lower Q=Limit+)
Mathe vs Precision Club
- Multi 2♦️ -
• Bad(5~8) weak 2M
• Int~min. Str(17~24) (4441)
- Defense to Multi 2♦️(ACBL Def. 2) -
• Ⅹ: 13~15 BAL, or 16+
• 2M: Nat., 5cd , NF
• 2NT: 16~18 BAL, Sys on
• 3m: Nat., 6+cd, NF
• 3M: Nat., 6+cd, NF
• 3NT: To play (w/ solid minor)
• 4m: Leaping Michaels (4♡ resp.=ctrl bid)