『自己流のフォネティックコードを作ってみた。』phonetic codes for alphabet
① 年齢、時代、国、宗教によって理解に偏りが出ないこと。
② 企業名や個人名ではなく、ジャンルに偏りが出ないこと。
③ 英語の初期学習で習う単語で、スペルが理解されやすいこと。
④ 単語の意味が自己表現に合うこと。
⑤ 単語が聞く人にとって嫌な意味を持たないこと。
⑥ 面白さや過度な表現ではなく、伝える時の状況を選ばないこと。
⑦ 短すぎず、長すぎず、覚えやすく、自分が発音しやすいこと。
⑧ 急いでいても、怒っていても会話の後、良い印象になる単語。
スペルを読み上げるときにアルファベットの後に「for」または「as in」+ コードで使います。
How do you spell your name?
Would you spell out your number, please?
Could I read the booking number back to you?
`My Own Phonetic Codes for Alphabet. ”
A ``phonetic code'' is used to ensure correct spelling when communicating over the phone with foreigners.
In the case of Japanese, there is no set way to convey the spelling of Kanji, and since there are so many different ways to spell Kanji, I think Japanese often try to convey them in their own way.
However, the alphabet has only 26 characters. Pronunciation is often difficult to convey, so there are some default phonetic codes.
Some of the default phonetic codes, such as company names and names, are unfamiliar to me as a Japanese person, and some are difficult to pronounce, so I decided to create my own.
For native English speakers, the phonetic code would come out on the spot, but for me, it's a foreign language and I can't express by my gestures over the phone, so I'll be on nervous situation.
It's always better to be prepared, so I tried to make the call more enjoyable by expressing myself and using well-meaning words so that I wouldn't have to worry about phone calls.
Since the person on the other end of the phone may not native English speaker, I tried using words that would be easily understood by people from various countries, whose pronunciations do not change depending on the country, and those impressions are not biased.
① There should be no bias in understanding due to age, era, country, or religion.
② Words are not biased field, company names or individual names.
③ Words learned in basic English studies, and spellings are easy to recognize.
④ The meaning of the word matches my self-expression.
⑤ Words should not have unpleasant meanings for the listener.
⑥ Not too funny or overly expressive, and useable for any situation..
⑦ Neither too short nor too long, easy to remember, and easy to pronounce.
⑧ Words that leave a good impression after a conversation, even if we are in a hurry or angry.
Let's make own phonetic code and enjoy phone calls.
![青山睦 AoyamaMutsumi](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/98992727/profile_93460aa586fec62863ee4a6192cf6399.jpg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)