
(Aesop,w025) 人類と獅子

(Aesop,w025) 人類じんるい獅子しし

※ 英文の後に 単語/句 レベルの 英文→和文 逐語訳画像を載せています。

Aesop's Fables by Aesop (trans: Townsend, George Fyler) より

A Man and a Lion travelled together through the forest. They soon began to boast of their respective superiority to each other in strength and prowess. As they were disputing, they passed a statue, carved in stone, which represented “a Lion strangled by a Man.” The traveller pointed to it and said : “See there ! How strong we are, and how we prevail over even the king of beasts.” The Lion replied : “This statue was made by one of you men. If we Lions knew how to erect statues, you would see the Man placed under the paw of the Lion.” One story is good, till another is told.

➊ 発音記号付き英文テキスト

➋ 逐語訳

➌ マークアップ付き英文テキスト


73字 / 3画像
この記事のみ ¥ 100

日本語を話せる外国人さん達を増やすために日本語学習用書籍を発刊したいです。 Aesop寓話300余編は2025年末まで作業を続ける予定です。 多くの外国人に「物を粗末にするな!」「人の家をミサイルで壊すな!」と日本語で話し通じるようにする為に、是非サポートをして下さい!