Yes, the age of the simplified contract is here! 簡易契約の時代
あるいは歯医者さんですね歯科医院や病院の先生あるいは病院そのものに対する評価あるいは薬剤師薬局に対する評価薬の説明が丁寧か診察方法が丁寧かどうかというのが評価される評価するということも一つ長じているということも言えます Twitter などでしょう
それはこれから2045年にシンギュラリティと言って技術革新がとんでもないスピードで急激に伸びてくるということが言われてますけれどもこれで AI が我々の仕事を代替しますタクシーの運転バスの運転で車の自動運転したりあるいは電車もそうですし機械的な作業ですね単純作業がどんどん代替されていくということが分かっています
最近ではウーバーイーツの自転車が街をあちこち走り回っていますけれどもあれは今人が足りないということで人間がしています今人間が不足しているということが言われてますけれども AI はだいたいすることになると彼らはすべて自動運転のロボットあるいは車がそのお弁当なり食べ物形を運ぶ配達をするということになりますので彼らの仕事がどんどんどんどん縮小されていくというのはウーバーイーツさんが今彼らの報酬を下げたようにこれからどんどんどんどん下がっていくでしょう
配達のマージンが下がっていくというのは AI が大体するので彼らの報酬が下がるそしていつのまにか AI がメインになってくるということがいえます
さあ、才能(じぶん)に目覚めよう 新版 ストレングス・ファインダー2.0
けれどもある著名人は主暇時間ということで言葉を変えてですね暇がメインになってくるという意味合いでそんな言葉を使っていますけれども私たちはこれからは休むのがメインになってくるそして報酬は AI が稼いでくれるそんな夢のような物語のような時代がやってくるそうすると我々は本当にやりたいことに時間を費やすことになってきます
本当にやりたいことは何でしょうかと言いますと例えば運動するマラソンをするサッカーやキャンプに行くあるいはカラオケに行く習い事をするダンスをするなど何でもいいんですけれどもそういったことで楽しむ時代が来るそして AI ができないところを我々人間が細くするそんな時代がやってくるといいます
AI が大体してくれます自動運転でも今はほぼ車が自動で動いて運転してくれますけれどもやはり細かいところ細かいカーブとか曲がり角とか車が走ってる時に急に何かが飛び出してくるとかそういう時計針人間の補助が必要なのでそこは人間の力が必要になってくるということが言える通りこのようにサポートをするような仕事が増えてくるということは言えます
最近は副業というように一つ二つ三つの仕事を色々やるような時代が来ていますそしてその仕事は AI が代替しないところで我々がやりたいことを仕事にするそんな仕事がベストということです
ここで大事なのは時給換算でできる仕事ではなくて成果に応じた仕事をするということが大事になってくるということは言えます例えば音楽を作曲するのが上手な人はその才能を生かして音楽を作って提供する人々に癒しを与える大金を与える経験を与えるこのような AI ができないところを私たちがやっていく楽しんでいくようなイメージの仕事をするような感覚です
Yes, the age of the simplified contract is here! As you can see from the recent matching apps, various individual transactions are taking place between individuals. In the past, contracts were made through stores or intermediaries, but it has become clear that sales contracts between individuals are now being made on the Internet without going through such indirect companies. I'd like to think about this. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and the best way to get in touch with your loved ones, please do not hesitate to contact us. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, please do not hesitate to contact us. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. If the information is false, it becomes a problem for God, and we can say that it becomes a complaint that we can't see his face. In the event that you've got a lot of money to spend, you'll be able to take advantage of the fact that you'll be able to get a lot more out of it. This is a system where the trust rating is built up in a way that a third party can see. What this means is that we are entering an era in which individuals want to see their own evaluations of Daisansho, and individuals are being evaluated. In the past, you belonged to a company or organization and were evaluated by your superiors, but in the future, you will be evaluated by an unknown third party. If you were in a company, you were evaluated on your work performance, your contribution, your achievements, etc. And now, even if you don't belong to a company, you can say that you are being evaluated by someone on the earth. In the past, there were three stages: entering school, graduating, and finding a job after graduation. But from now on, there will be many more stages: you can choose to go to school or not, you can choose to get a job, you can choose to work as an independent contractor, and once you get a job, you can change jobs. Life Shift In the event that you've got a lot of money, you're going to be able to get a lot more than you would like. In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it for a lot of things. This is the reason why it is important for people to be aware of the fact that there are many people who have never been married. This is a time when the number of people who never get married will increase. In addition, I would like to comment on children. In this country, the average birthrate is between two and three children per year, and it is predicted that there will come a time when the average woman will have one child or none, or none at all. And it is said that marriage plays a major role in having children. In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find out more about it on the web. In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a number of things you can do. There are also simple contracts between individuals, such as those who want to outsource their work and those who want to be outsourced, to ask for and receive program work. In this case, the individual and his or her organization or company may be the target of the evaluation, but in any case, the customers who use the app will exceed the age of the app. In the event that you're not sure what to do, you can always ask your doctor or pharmacist. In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find out more about it here. It's also the case with nursery schools, private schools, and other organizations, which are constantly being evaluated and assessed. It's important to know how you can find value in the market, how you can improve yourself, and how you can contribute to the world through your actions. It is said that the year 2045 will be the year of the Singularity, when technological innovation will grow rapidly and at a tremendous speed. We know that simple mechanical tasks will be replaced more and more. In the past, there have been a lot of people saying that there is a shortage of humans, but AI is going to be the answer. This means that their work will be reduced and reduced and reduced, just as Uber Eats has reduced their compensation. The margins on deliveries will be lowered because AI will do most of the work, so their compensation will be lowered, and before you know it, AI will be the main driver. So we will have two days off a week, but we will have three or four days off a week, and we will have more time to rest, and how we spend the time we have off will be important. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it. However, some celebrities have changed the term to "leisure time" to mean that leisure time will become the main focus, but we will come to an age where the main focus will be on rest and AI will earn the rewards, like a dreamlike story. In this way, we will be able to spend our time on what we really want to do. What do we really want to do? For example, exercise, run marathons, play soccer, go camping, go to karaoke, take lessons, dance, whatever it is, the time will come when we can enjoy these things and we humans can do what AI cannot. The time will come when we humans will do what AI cannot do. I'm not sure if you're a fan of this kind of thing or not, but I think it's a great idea to have a little bit of fun. I'm not sure. This is the reason why it is so important for us to have a good understanding of what is going on in the world and how to deal with it. As you can see, there will be more and more jobs that require this kind of support. This is the reason why it's important to know how to use your free time to enjoy your life and how to make the most of it. It's a good idea to have a job where you can do one, two or three things at a time, and where AI can't replace it. It's important to note that this is not a job that can be done on an hourly basis, but rather a job that is based on performance. For example, if you are a good music composer, you can use your talent to create music that will bring comfort to those who listen to it, give them money, and give them experiences that AI cannot. It's like we're doing something that AI can't do, and we're having fun doing it. And then there will be an evaluation by a third party, and the market value of our work will become visible numerically. If this is the case, then it is clear that the most important thing for us now is to have experiences, to share experiences, and to provide experiences. If you want to know what our strengths are and what our abilities are, you can take the StrengthsFinder test by Gallup, but you can pay a few thousand yen or so to take the test. It's a great way to find out what your strengths are, what your abilities are, and how you can use them to contribute to society and enjoy life more. I'm sure it will help you to enjoy your life more. That's all for now.