It is human beings who do not know satisfaction and expect more from others. 満足を知らないのが人間 他人にもっともっとと期待してしまう。
満足を知らないのが人間 他人にもっともっとと期待してしまう。
GIVE & TAKE「与える人」こそ成功する時代 三笠書房 電子書籍
It is human beings who do not know satisfaction and expect more from others. There is a saying, "Knowing what is enough. Because we expect more from others, we become dissatisfied. And we get frustrated. That's why we should try to find what we can do to satisfy ourselves as much as possible in our current environment. The other day, there was a story about a dinner party. The other day, I was at a dinner party, and the person I was talking to was a typical frustrated person. He was the one who ordered a lot of things: the design of the restaurant should be carefully considered, don't go to a place you've never been to before, don't go to a place with bad costumes, can you drink alcohol? Of course, she had researched the restaurant herself, but she was either very particular or a gourmet, and she didn't like it if it wasn't exactly what she wanted. In the end, the meeting was cancelled. My intuition told me that this feeling of frustration was dangerous. It's not that this is good or bad. People who focus on dissatisfaction tend to focus on it no matter what they do. For example, you are just driving along a straight road in the desert, when you see a sign in the distance to your left, which is the sign you have been looking for deep inside. The sign was the one you were looking for deep down inside. This is because the steering wheel unconsciously points at the sign. Then the car goes off the road and ends up in the desert. In this way, we know that if we are aware of the sign, we will be preoccupied with it. If there are people around you who complain a lot, you may have this tendency. People who say they want money will probably say they want money again even after they get it. People who say they want a sincere person will want more sincere people even when they are around sincere people. If you don't know that you are fulfilled in the present, you will keep on feeling that way, just like the sign in front of you. When other people disagree with me, I don't always understand why they do what they do because it's not what I want. There are times when I don't understand why others are like that. When that happens, I try to think that it's okay that there are people like that. It's about acknowledging the person. By doing so, I can accept myself. It is also a way to free yourself from attachments. GIVE & TAKE: The Age of Success for "Givers" Mikasa Shobo eBook Mikasa Shobo If you're too attached to your ideas, you'll aim for 100 points and end up with 0 points. Rather than aiming for 100 points, get 70 or even 50 points and earn more points later on. Moderation is the key. Don't ask for too much, but keep it in moderation. It is important to have a margin of error. If you ask for too much, you will end up losing money.