Was there anything you did everyday or something you set as your daily routine during the “lockdown”? Or perhaps a new hobby you found?
We walked everyday with the whole family for one hour every morning.(毎朝、家族みんなで1時間散歩をしていました。)
When in your daily life do you find beauty? What inspires you in your everyday moments?
The fact that a new day begins already inspires me. The first light of the sun, the innocent purity of the morning air and of course - music- after I go on the terrace I immediately switch on the radio. I cannot live without music.
Please list any memorable music, books or online contents you watched during the lockdown.
The lockdown had a really dark effect on me. I feel very depressed and hopeless, so I tried to counteract this effect and started to watch comedies. One of my favorites is “Modern Family”, and a book by Terry Pratchett “The Free Folk”.
(ロックダウンは私に暗い影響を与えました。意気消沈してしまい、希望が持てませんでした。そこでこれに打ち勝つため、コメディを見るようにしました。私が好きな作品の一つが「モダン・ファミリー」とテリー・プラチェットの著書の「The Free Folk」です。)
Many of you have international connections. Were there any activities of your international peers or orchestras you found impressive or were inspired during the lockdown?
Many of my friends did a sync recording through Zoom and I thought that it is amazing, because I am not good with technology.
New styles and formats of concerts and music expressions are vigorously explored under the “new normal”, making the most of the internet sphere and online tools for example. Have you tried anything new during the lockdown to keep on playing, or do you plan to experiment something, either personally or with peers?
After my friends inspired me with their Zoom recordings, I gave myself a lot of effort and recorded two solo pieces and as a background I put a slideshow of world’s famous painting – after that my battle with technology was over.(the pieces are in YouYube.)
During the lockdown, you could not play in the concert halls for a long time and could only practice at home or small private spaces. Has this affected you physically and/or mentally? If so, what were the changes you experienced?
It is the most sad thing for a musician to not be able to play concerts in a concert hall- motivations is close to zero. I was really on a verge of real depression. A musician is always mostly inspired by the audience.
How did you feel / what was your sentiment on your first post-lockdown stage? Did the lockdown period and experience affect your feelings and thoughts towards music and concerts?
I was super excited to play a real concert again. I feel again as I am at high school.
Music was, just as art, classified as “non-urgent, non-essential” activity during the lockdown. What were your thoughts on that?
Maybe there are some people who can live without music, but I cannot… I let say if the economy is the heart of the society, the music is the soul, or may be if the society was a body, the music is an essential vitamin without which the body can not survive.
Again, just as visual art, classical music is often considered as “high-art” which is difficult to approach. What is your prescription for those who feel intimidated in such a way to come closer to the world of music?
I think one of the reasons music was invented, was to connect one heart direct to another without saying words- to be able to tell somebody something which you cannot say with words and in this meaning it is for everybody. Sometimes people are telling me- I don’t understand this music… I am telling then- you don’t need to understand it- you like it or you don’t.
What would you say is the power of music?
It is the same what I mentioned above. It is to say things direct to the heart without words…..it is not by accident that in every shop is always playing music- apparently it has the power to make you buy things.☺️☺️
•1 / 2tsp。クミン
•1 / 2tsp。サボリ(savory)(タイムで代用できます)
• コショウ
• 大さじ2杯。小麦粉
• パセリ
1) タマネギを細かく刻み、3〜4tbspの油で炒めます。挽肉を加え、パラパラするまで炒めます。塩コショウ、スパイスで味付けし、すりおろしたトマトを加え、5〜6分加熱します。
2) 1)を一度取り出した鍋で、皮をむいてサイコロに切ったじゃがいもを軽く炒めたあと、みじん切りにした肉を上に置き、よく混ぜ、ひたひたまでお温水を注いで200℃に予熱したオーブンで30分間焼きます。
3) 小麦粉、卵、ヨーグルト、ベーキングソーダ、細かく刻んだパセリをよく混ぜます。混ぜたものを2)の上に置いて、色付くまで10~15分間オーブンで再加熱します。ヨーグルトを添えてください。
これまでにバンベルク響、マレーシア・フィル、マーラー室内管に客演。1998年より“PHILHARMONIE DER NATIONEN”首席奏者として活躍する。2002-04年クラシック・フィルハーモニー・ボン首席奏者、2004-06年ケルン室内管首席奏者。2006年名フィルに入団し、現在は首席奏者を務める。2008年NHK-FM「名曲リサイタル」に出演。ソリストとして名フィルのほか、セントラル愛知響と共演。
2007年、第24回日本管打楽器コンクール第4位入賞。バイロイト国際コンクール木管部門“PACEM IN TRRIS 2001”ファイナリスト。2006年“Paul und Helga Hohnen”コンクール入賞。2008年宝塚ベガ音楽コンクール入賞。