【3min-DAIRY NEWS】まいにち英語☼Micromobility Industry Is To Deliver On Its Potential Of Decarbonizing Transportation
Andrew Savage, vice president of
sustainability at Lime Micromobility, one of
the most prominent electric scooter and
bike rental companies in the world said,
"From focus on personal health, to
addressing climate change to how cities
prioritize space for people to get around.
We certainly did a lot of maturing over the
last several years."
Micromobility refers to small and
lightweight modes of transportation
typically operated by a single person, such
as electric scooters and electric bikes. The
global micromobility market was valued at
$40.19 billion in 2020 and is projected to
reach $195.42 billion by 2030, according
to Valuates Reports.
The average ride length in time for 2021
set a record high, clocking in at 58
percent longer worldwide compared to
2019. Implementing these changes could
reduce greenhouse gas emissions in
urban areas by as much as 80 percent
across the next 30 years.
very noticeable, important, or famous.
to arrange in order of importance so that you can deal with the most important things before the others.
to put a plan or system into operation.
マイクロモビリティとは、電動スクーターや電動自転車など、通常一人で操作する小型・軽量の移動手段を指します。Valuates Reportsによると、世界のマイクロモビリティ市場は2020年に401億9000万ドルで、2030年には1954億2000万ドルに達すると予測されています。
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