【DAIRY NEWS for English-learners】まいにち英語 ◉Chatting on the Internet Is Better Than Posting?
As we talk back and forth about the bad
effects of social media, we need to
remember that the earliest way we used
the internet to get in touch with others was
through online chatting.
Many of the problems with social media
are caused by feeds or posts. They may
also makes us feel unhappy with
ourselves. They can make people feel
more alone. Posting something is a
strange way to communicate with friends
or family. It's kind of like they are talking
with you in a public area.
Chatting, however, is like relaxing with
someone. On the other hand, life on the
feed is like a show for a group of people to
consume. Mark Zuckerberg says that the
next form of internet will let us be more
personal. It sounds like something that we
already have: chatting.
★feed:a web page, screen, etc. that updates (= changes) often to show the latest information
★consume:to use (fuel, time, resources, etc.)
★personal:relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization
◉article everyday
◉happier living
◉career success
◉5 min easy