【3min-DAIRY NEWS】まいにち英語☼Ecosystem Services Help Protect Our Planet
Many people are now familiar with the
idea of putting a price on carbon. When
you buy a plane ticket, you might have the
option to pay extra to offset your emissions.
In theory, a global carbon market means
we reduce emissions globally. However, it
could also wreak havoc on wildlife and
devastate communities living in the
world’s richest landscapes.
Developed in the 1970s, the concept of
ecosystem services highlighted our
dependence on nature and raised
people’s interest in conservation.
Ecosystems are complex systems that
require complex management to thrive.
Research shows that the best guardians
of the land are local communities and
indigenous people. A UN report on forest
governance in Latin America and the
Caribbean showed that when
governments recognize and give them
clear land rights, the rate of deforestation is lower.
Living in and connect more with nature will
lead to a sustainable future.
a situation in which there is much destruction or confusion
the situation in which you need something or someone all the time, especially in order to continue existing or operating
to grow well or develop successfully
the act or result of cutting down or burning all the trees in an area
1970年代に開発された「生態系サービス」という概念は、私たちの自然への依存度を明らかにし、人々の自然保護への関心を高めました。 生態系は複雑なシステムであり、繁栄するためには複雑な管理が必要です。
調査によると、土地の最も優れた保護者は地域社会と先住民であることが分かっています。ラテンアメリカとカリブ海諸国の森林ガバナンスに関する国連の報告書によると、政府が彼らに明確な土地の権利を認め、与えると、森林破壊の割合が低くなることが示されています。 自然の中で暮らし、自然ともっとつながることが、持続可能な未来につながるのです。
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