平日だけでなく、週末もなかなか外出しようとしません。オランダにはすばらしい博物館や美術館がたくさんあって、ミュージアムカードを購入したので1年間は無料で入れる博物館や美術館がたくさんあります。しかしかいとは誘っても行きたくないと言います。仕方なく、かれんと2人で出掛けることが多いです。かれんと私はミュージアムを楽しみ、ショッピングを楽しみ、オランダの豊かな文化をenjoyしているのですが、かいとは家に引きこもっているので、2人の経験の差は開くばかり。May holidayでベルギーとフランスへ旅行に行った時も、自分は興味がないのに連れてこられたと言って、彼は楽しむことができませんでした。
インターナショナルのsecondary schoolで8月からいきなり中学生になるのか、それとも日本人学校で来年3月まで6年生でいるのか。最終的には本人の希望通りにしたいと思っています。親としては少しでもかいとが笑顔で過ごせる時間が増えると良いなと思って、どんな声掛けをしたら良いのか、試行錯誤の毎日です。
Differences in timing of academic year changeover
Our son, Kaito, is now in the sixth year of primary school in Japan, but in the Netherlands he is in the first year of junior high school. And guess what? From this August he will be in the second year of junior high school. In Japan, the difference between Kaito and Karen is only one year, but in the Netherlands, the difference is two years. This is because the academic year in the Netherlands changes in August, not April as in Japan. The difference in the timing of the academic year changeover means that one school year goes up for him, moreover, since he was born in late July, he also goes up one more school year! This is an unexpected burden for Kaito. At first he was told not to be able to join the primary international school since he was old enough to join the secondary school. Then we asked the school to move him down a grade and he is now in the same primary school as Karen. However, next month he will already graduate from primary and from the new term in August he will be in secondary school! I told the current primary school that he wanted to stay in primary one more year, but they refused to allow him to move down two grades. Only one grade was allowed.
I heard that it takes time for children to get used to the change of environment when they go from primary to secondary school even in Japan, but for Kaito, the environment already changed drastically when he came to the Netherlands. I think it is quite difficult for Kaito to have to go on to secondary school. Some international schools have a primary and a secondary connected as one school in the same place, but unfortunately the school where our children were placed does not have a secondary. So, if they go to an international school, they have to cycle to another secondary about 6km away from home. The other option is a Japanese school. Now Kaito is at a crossroads where he has to decide whether to go to an international school or a Japanese school from August.
Everyday life of Kaito
In Japan, Kaito was a typical energetic boy in primary school. He was tall and strong, wearing shorts and short trousers even in winter, and actively involved in activities such as class committee. However, now Kaito is almost staying home, except when he goes to school. When I pick him up from school, he says he is tired and wants to go home soon. The students of the international school can participate in optional after-school activities. Karen participates in cooking and painting meaning twice a week. There are many different types of after-school activities held in the same building after classes, each with a specialist external teacher. You can sign up for these activities if you like, and Karen really wants to do two, so she participates twice a week, but Kaito doesn't want to do anything. There are some sports activities such as football and jiu-jitsu, but... He wants to get out of the English environment as soon as possible and play games on the computer at home. His homeroom teacher says there is a term called 'social limit', which means that the daily school classed are already enough for him as a social activity in English, and he can't do any more! He doesn't want to go out, not only on weekdays but also on weekends. In the Netherlands there are a lot of great museums and art galleries, many of which we can enter for free for a year because we have bought a museum card. However, when I invite Kaito, he doesn't want to go. I have no choice but to go out with Karen. When we went to Belgium and France on our May holiday, he said he was brought along even though he wasn't interested. He was not able to enjoy it.
Overnight events
I don't know if his friends in the same grade at International school are concerned about him or if they like him, but they invite him to sleepovers, take him to amusement parks and talk to him. Although he doesn't speak the language well, but he is originally a child who can be kind and helpful to his friends, so if they understand that, then I am very happy. Then there was the interschool camp: for 2 nights 3 days, the Kaito and Karekin grades joined together and stayed in a bungalow by the lake. Just before the camp, Kaito said he didn't want to go. I talked to Kaito's homeroom teacher. His homeroom teacher is a very receptive and experienced teacher. She talked to Kaito and told him that if he wanted to leave earlier, he could leave anytime, and that if he didn't come to the camp on the first day anyway, he would miss out on the fun and would definitely regret it! She told him that he could skip the activities he didn't want to do and that he could bring Japanese books to read by himself. I really appreciated that. Kaito was not keen on going to the camp until the morning of the day, but he managed to go thanks to her. When I asked Karen later, the teacher asked his Japanese friend (there is only one Japanese boy in Karen's grade) to support him and put him in the same group when they split into groups, and also made sure that the subtitles were in Japanese during the movie time at night. Even so, when Kaito came home, he was full of negative comments such as "I didn't enjoy it" and "I should have left earlier". On the other hand, Karen said she had "so much fun" and "didn't want to go home for another 10 days", which was really the opposite reaction of the two of them. We can no longer distinguish whether Kaito's negative comments are his true feelings or whether he is speaking out of adolescent rebelliousness despite having had a bit of fun.
Whether he goes to secondary school or stays in Japanese primary school
In the near future, we need to decide on the school where he will go from August. At first, we did not have a correct understanding of Japanese schools and language learning, and we wanted our child to go to an international school if possible. However, after coming here and consulting with various people (including experts) about Kaito and receiving their advice, we came to think that in Kaito's case it might be better for him to go to a Japanese school. I would like to write about this change of our mind someday. During the daytime, Kaito still goes to school in good spirits, but at night he sometimes says "Mama hug me" and "I want to go back to Japan". It really hurts my heart to hear this, as we brought him to the Netherlands for our reasons, away from his beloved Japanese friends and primary school. The beautiful landscapes and cityscapes of the Netherlands, as well as the historical sights and museums, do not attract him now. Will he suddenly become a secondary school student from August at an international secondary school, or will he stay in grade 6 at a Japanese school until next March? Ultimately, we want to do what he wants. As a parent, I hope that Kaito will be able to spend more time with a smile on his face, and I am constantly trying to figure out how to talk to him.