韓国語講座の基礎 - 勧誘、お願い表現(Korean Course - Basics: Requests and Persuasion)
文法書ではよく命令形と呼ばれる表現で~ください、~してください などの表現を今日は説明してみます。
‘~してください’(~해 주세요ヘジュせヨ)のように同じ表現で韓国語でもよく使う単語です。
安く(싸게サゲ)してください(해 주세요)。
‘싸게’は 連結形式で普通は 安いのように’싸다(サダ)’が文章の最後に来ます。
配達(배달べダル)してください(해 주세요)
公開(공개コンケ)してください(해 주세요)
早く(빠르게パルゲ)してください(해 주세요)
応援(응원ウンウォン)してください(해 주세요)
連絡(연락ヨルラク)してください(해 주세요)
愛(사랑サラン)してください(해 주세요)
笑って(웃어ウソ)ください(주세요) ‘웃어’も前に紹介したいわば連結形式です。すごく有効な表現ですからもう一度説明します。
割引(할인ハリン)して(해서へそ)安く(싸게)してください(해 주세요)。
今日はちょっと難しく感じましたか? 何度も繰り返して読めば、より理解できるでしょう。 語学は反復が最高だということが立証されましたから。 さあ~頑張ってください~(Qの希望)
In grammar books, expressions commonly known as imperative forms such as ~하세요 (~hasseyo), ~해주세요 (~hae juseyo) are often discussed. Today, we will explain these expressions, which are very useful during foreign travel and in everyday conversations.
Expressions like '~해 주세요' (~hae juseyo) are frequently used in Japanese as well. For example:
· 安く (cheaply) してください (please). – ssage hae joo se yo
· '싸게' (cheaply/ssage) is in the connective form and ‘싸다’(cheap/ssada)generally comes at the end of the sentence.
· これ (this) は (is) やすい (cheap). -Igeonun ssada
· 한국 (Korea) 의 (of) 전철 (subway) 요금 (fare) 은 (is) 싸다 (cheap).hankukwi jeoncheol ryokunun ssada
Other examples include:
· 배달 (delivery) 해주세요 (please).baedal hae zyuseyo
· 공개 (publicize) 해주세요 (please).konggae
· 빠르게 (quickly) 해주세요 (please).ppaleuge
· 응원 (support) 해주세요 (please).eung-won
· 연락 (contact) 해주세요 (please).yeonlag
· 사랑 (love) 해주세요 (please).salang
· 웃어 (smile) 주세요 (please). Us-eo
'웃어' (smile) was introduced earlier in the connected form. It is a very effective expression, so let's explain it again. '웃다' (to laugh/usda) has a similar meaning to '笑う' in Japanese and usually comes at the end of the sentence. For example:
· 손님 (customer) 이 (subject marker) 웃다 (to laugh).sonnimi usda
· 고객님, 웃어 (please smile).kogaekninn, us-eo
Additional phrases:
· 할인 (discount) 해서 (making it) 싸게 (cheaply) 해 주세요 (please). halin haeseo ssage hae juseyo
· 요리 (cooking) 를 (object marker) 맛있게 (deliciously) 만들어 (make) 주세요 (please). Ryori leul mas-issge mandeul-eo juseyo
The combination of '맛있게' (deliciously) and '만들어' (make) can also be understood independently. When invited to a Korean friend's house, using '맛있게' is versatile. It can be used after the meal or even before tasting the dishes. Koreans will understand the context in various situations.
Did today's lesson feel a bit challenging? If you read it repeatedly, you will understand it better. As proven, repetition is the key in language learning. Now, stay strong and keep going!(Q's hope)