




11月 Plight Club

Some of my favourite drinks and people are alcoholic I was in Japan before. During those couple of weeks visiting gaikokujin friends in Tokyo and Yokohama, I drank my fair share of the alcohol Japan had to offer. This was before the corona

    • 11月 Momiji

      My haiku about an autumn moment: あきがここ こうようをふむ じんじゃかな Splendid autumn hues Yatai line the path to shrine My first momiji

      • 10月 ALT

        Here is where I'll talk about starting work in High School and ending up with Halloween. “Is all the Halloween All-You-Can-Eat buffet Squid ink and pumpkin?”

        • 9月 & 10月

          More stories…


          Here is where I'll tell you about my initial thoughts about living in Japan. Anais Nin wrote, “we see the world not as it is, but as we are.”  

          Coming to Japan 🇯🇵

          "How did I give consent to this, To be continent'ly adrift?" Who I am doesn’t matter... …continue reading and you might glean where I'm from, what era I was born in, and even what I look like. I simply offer you my words for consideration—

          Coming to Japan 🇯🇵