BBC 1分ニュース 2 February, 2022
1. The winter Olympics torch relay (聖火リレー)has begun over the next three days. A thousand people will carry the torch past Chinese landmarks. It's a scaled down event with very few spectators because of coronavirus restrictions.
これから3日間、冬季オリンピックの聖火リレーが始まりました。 1000人が聖火を持ち、中国の名所を通過する予定です。 コロナウイルス規制のため、観客はほとんどおらず、規模を縮小しました。
2. The White House has condemned a series of bomb threats against historically black colleges in the United States. More than a dozen have reported the threats just as America begins marking black history month.
3. President Putin has accused the U.S of using Ukraine to try to limit Russia's
development. His comments come as he's due to hold talks by phone with the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson later.
4. And Tonga is closing its borders and imposing a COVID lockdown after
recording five infections following last month's devastating volcanic eruption
and tsunami.