BBC 1分ニュース 1 February, 2022
1. United Nations human rights chief Michelle Bashley has acknowledged Myanmar has descended (降りる、下降する)into civil war a year after the military seized power. BBC interview especially compared the situation to Syria.
2. British police say they're reviewing more than 300 photos as they investigate whether parties held at government offices broke COVID lockdown regulations. On Monday a senior civil servant blamed a failure of leadership and judgment surrounding the parties.
3. A new law has come into force in Austria that makes COVID vaccinations
compulsory for anyone over the age of 18. Those who refuse to get a jab will
face fines starting from nearly 700 .
4. The United States says Russia has delivered a written response to Washington's proposals aimed at reducing tensions over Ukraine. U.S officials did not disclose any details saying it would be unproductive to negotiate in public.