
イベント後援、2つ目もokでした。The second event sponsorship was also OK.

 イベント後援の依頼は全部で三つのメディア系の会社に申請の書類を出しました。そのうちの一社から電話を頂き、「一本の電話がありました。There was one phone call.」というタイトルで、ここで報告しました。
 I submitted application documents to three media companies requesting sponsorship for the event. I received a phone call from one of them, which I reported here under the title "There was one phone call."

 The company in question is "OBS Oita Broadcasting." They called me because it was their first time hosting an event. They were very kind and helpful in explaining things to me in an easy-to-understand way. Thank you very much.

 The other two companies have a policy of "event sponsorship is OK" if they don't receive a call within a certain period of time. As of February 5, 2025, I have not received a call from one of them.

 That's why I think the second one also passed the screening. The second one was from Oita Godo Newspaper Company. Thank you very much.

 The remaining one has not yet passed the deadline, so the result is currently unknown. I hope to know the result sometime next week.

 Today, snowflakes fell in Takata biwa no su. This place is sandwiched between two rivers, so it is relatively warm and snow does not accumulate easily. Perhaps that is why, when I see snow falling, I feel a strong longing and a desire to enjoy playing in the snow.

 In mountainous areas there is snow and frozen roads, but since this is a plain close to the sea, even if snow accumulates it only reaches about 3cm.

 If you dig deep into the ground, you will find low-temperature hot springs and groundwater.

 I used Google Translate again this time. Thank you.


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