ラジオ生活:ディスカバー・ビートルズ II・ジョージ月間その1・アイラブビートルズ The Beatles「In My Life」
聞き逃しサービス2024/02/04 放送
ディスカバー・ビートルズ II
「In My Life」
The Beatles
開始より28分03秒頃 (終了より21分57秒前頃)
配信終了2024/02/11 13:50
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Bing検索> https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=The_Beatles+In_My_Life
TheBeatles.com> https://www.thebeatles.com/my-life
「In My Life」
Wikipedia EN(英語版)> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_My_Life
"In My Life" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles, released on their 1965 studio album, Rubber Soul. Credited to the Lennon–McCartney songwriting partnership, the song is one of only a few in which there is dispute over the primary author; John Lennon wrote the lyrics, but he and Paul McCartney later disagreed over who wrote the melody. George Martin contributed the piano solo bridge.
According to Lennon, "In My Life" was his "first real major piece of work" because it was the first time he wrote about his own life.
In 2000, Mojo named "In My Life" the best song of all time. Rolling Stone ranked it number 23 on its 2004 list of "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time", and number 98 on the 2021 revised list, as well as fifth on its list of the Beatles' "100 Greatest Songs".
In a 1980 interview, Lennon referred to this song as his "first real major piece of work" because it was the first time he had written about his own life. According to Lennon, the song's origins can be traced to English journalist Kenneth Allsop's remark that Lennon should write songs about his childhood. Afterwards, Lennon wrote a song in the form of a long poem reminiscing on those years. The original lyrics were based on a bus route he used to take in Liverpool, naming various sites seen along the way, including Penny Lane and Strawberry Field.
Lennon later thought the original lyrics were "ridiculous", calling it "the most boring sort of 'What I Did on My Holidays Bus Trip' song". He reworked the words and replaced the specific memories with a generalised meditation on his past. Few lines of the original version remained in the finished song. According to Lennon's friend and biographer Peter Shotton, the lines "Some [friends] are dead and some are living/In my life I've loved them all" referred to himself and Stuart Sutcliffe (who died in 1962).
Lennon's and McCartney's recollections differ regarding the music. Lennon said that McCartney's "contribution melodically was the harmony and the middle-eight." In 1977, when shown a list of songs Lennon claimed writing on for the magazine Hit Parader, "In My Life" was the only entry McCartney disputed. McCartney said he set Lennon's lyrics to music from beginning to end, taking inspiration from songs by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles. In 1976, he commented: "I liked 'In My Life'. Those were words that John wrote, and I wrote the tune to it. That was a great one."
In a 2018 study, artificial intelligence researchers at Harvard University applied bag-of-words modelling to the notes and chords of the song, and concluded that there was a 18.9% probability of McCartney having written the verse. Lennon was given an 81.1% certainty of writing the verses, while McCartney was given a 43.5% certainty of writing the middle eight. The analysts reported "a large amount of uncertainty" regarding the middle eight.
〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
"イン・マイ・ライフ "は、イギリスのロックバンド、ビートルズの楽曲で、1965年のスタジオアルバム『ラバー・ソウル』に収録されている。ジョン・レノンが作詞作曲を手がけたが、後にポール・マッカートニーと誰がメロディを書いたかで意見が対立した。ジョージ・マーティンはピアノ・ソロのブリッジを提供している。
レノンによれば、「イン・マイ・ライフ」は彼にとって "最初の本格的な大作 "であった。
2000年、モジョ誌は「イン・マイ・ライフ」を史上最高の曲に選んだ。ローリング・ストーン誌は、2004年の "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time "で23位、2021年の改訂版では98位、ビートルズの "100 Greatest Songs "では5位にランクした。
音楽に関して、レノンとマッカートニーの回想は異なっている。レノンは、マッカートニーの「メロディ面での貢献はハーモニーとミドルエイトだった」と語っている。1977年、雑誌『Hit Parader』でレノンが作曲したと主張する曲のリストを見せられたとき、マッカートニーが唯一異議を唱えたのが「In My Life」だった。マッカートニーは、スモーキー・ロビンソン&ザ・ミラクルズの曲からインスピレーションを得て、レノンの歌詞を最初から最後まで音楽にしたと語っている。1976年、彼はこうコメントしている:私は『In My Life』が好きだった。ジョンが書いた言葉で、僕が曲を書いたんだ。あれは素晴らしい曲だった"