
ラジオ生活:ディスカバー・ビートルズ II・年度末自由研究その3 Matt Monro「Yesterday」

聞き逃しサービス2024/03/17 放送
ディスカバー・ビートルズ II
ねぇビートルズ、 曲をカバーされまくるってどんな気持ち?前編

Matt Monro

開始より12分49秒頃 (終了より37分11秒前頃)

配信終了2024/03/23 13:50


Google検索 URL>

Bing検索> https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=The_Beatles+Yesterday+cover

Bing検索> https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=The_Beatles+Yesterday

TheBeatles.com> https://www.thebeatles.com/yesterday

The Beatles「Yesterday」
Wikipedia EN(英語版) URL> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yesterday_(song)

 "Yesterday" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles, written by Paul McCartney and credited to Lennon–McCartney. It was first released on the album Help! in August 1965, except in the United States, where it was issued as a single in September. The song reached number one on the US charts. It subsequently appeared on the UK EP Yesterday in March 1966 and made its US album debut on Yesterday and Today, in June 1966.

 McCartney's vocal and acoustic guitar, together with a string quartet, was essentially the band's first solo performance. It remains popular today and, with 2,200 cover versions, is one of the most covered songs in the history of recorded music. "Yesterday" was voted the best song of the 20th century in a 1999 BBC Radio 2 poll of music experts and listeners and was also voted the No. 1 pop song of all time by MTV and Rolling Stone magazine the following year. In 1997, the song was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) asserts that it was performed over seven million times in the 20th century.

 "Yesterday" is a melancholic ballad about the break-up of a relationship. The singer nostalgically laments for yesterday when he and his love were together before she left because of something he said. McCartney is the only member of the Beatles to appear on the track. The final recording was so different from other works by the Beatles that the band members vetoed the song's release as a single in the United Kingdom. However, other artists quickly recorded versions of it for single release. The Beatles recording was issued in the U.K. as a single in 1976 and peaked at number 8.

 According to biographers of McCartney and the Beatles, McCartney composed the entire melody in a dream one night in his room at the Wimpole Street home of his then-girlfriend Jane Asher and her family. Upon waking, he hurried to a piano and played the tune to avoid forgetting it. Initially concerned though that he had subconsciously plagiarised someone else's work, as he put it: "For about a month I went round to people in the music business and asked them whether they had ever heard it before. Eventually it became like handing something in to the police. I thought if no one claimed it after a few weeks then I could have it."

 Upon being convinced that he had not copied the melody, McCartney began writing lyrics to suit it. As Lennon and McCartney were known to do at the time, a substitute working lyric, titled "Scrambled Eggs" (the working opening verse was "Scrambled eggs/Oh my baby how I love your legs/Not as much as I love scrambled eggs"), was used for the song until something more suitable was written.

 During the shooting of Help!, a piano was placed on one of the stages where filming was being conducted, and McCartney took advantage of this opportunity to tinker with the song. This eventually greatly annoyed the director Richard Lester, who lost his temper, telling McCartney to finish writing the song or he would have the piano removed. The patience of the other Beatles was also tested by McCartney's work in progress; George Harrison summed this up when he said: "Blimey, he's always talking about that song. You'd think he was Beethoven or somebody!"

 McCartney originally claimed he had written "Yesterday" during the Beatles' tour of France in 1964; however, the song was not released until the summer of 1965. During the intervening time, the Beatles released two albums, A Hard Day's Night and Beatles for Sale, each of which could have included "Yesterday". Although McCartney has never elaborated on his claims, a delay may have been due to a disagreement between McCartney and George Martin regarding the song's arrangement or the opinion of the other Beatles who felt it did not suit their image.

 Lennon later indicated that the song had been around for a while before:
The song was around for months and months before we finally completed it. Every time we got together to write songs for a recording session, this one would come up. We almost had it finished. Paul wrote nearly all of it, but we just couldn't find the right title. We called it 'Scrambled Eggs' and it became a joke between us. We made up our minds that only a one-word title would suit, we just couldn't find the right one. Then one morning Paul woke up and the song and the title were both there, completed. I was sorry in a way, we'd had so many laughs about it.

 McCartney said the breakthrough with the lyrics came during a trip to Portugal in May 1965:

 I remember mulling over the tune 'Yesterday', and suddenly getting these little one-word openings to the verse. I started to develop the idea ... da-da da, yes-ter-day, sud-den-ly, fun-il-ly, mer-il-ly and Yes-ter-day, that's good. All my troubles seemed so far away. It's easy to rhyme those a's: say, nay, today, away, play, stay, there's a lot of rhymes and those fall in quite easily, so I gradually pieced it together from that journey. Sud-den-ly, and 'b' again, another easy rhyme: e, me, tree, flea, we, and I had the basis of it.

 On 27 May 1965, McCartney and Asher flew to Lisbon for a holiday in Albufeira, Algarve, and he borrowed an acoustic guitar from Bruce Welch, in whose house they were staying, and completed the work on "Yesterday". The song was offered as a demo to Chris Farlowe before the Beatles recorded it, but he turned it down as he considered it "too soft". In a March 1967 interview with Brian Matthew, McCartney said that Lennon came up with the word that would replace "scrambled eggs": Yesterday.

〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
 "Yesterday "は、イギリスのロックバンド、ビートルズの曲で、ポール・マッカートニー作詞、レノン=マッカートニー作曲。1965年8月にアルバム『Help!この曲は全米チャートで1位を獲得。その後、1966年3月にUK EP『Yesterday』に収録され、1966年6月に『Yesterday and Today』でUSアルバム・デビューを果たした。

 マッカートニーのヴォーカルとアコースティック・ギター、弦楽四重奏によるこの曲は、実質的にバンド初のソロ・パフォーマンスだった。この曲は今日でも人気があり、2,200ものカヴァーヴァージョンがあり、レコード音楽史上最もカヴァーされた曲のひとつである。"Yesterday "は、1999年のBBCラジオ2の音楽専門家とリスナーによる投票で20世紀最高の曲に選ばれ、翌年にはMTVとローリング・ストーン誌によって史上No.1のポップ・ソングにも選ばれた。1997年、この曲はグラミー賞の殿堂入りを果たした。ブロードキャスト・ミュージック・インコーポレイテッド(BMI)は、この曲が20世紀に700万回以上演奏されたと主張している。



 メロディーをコピーしていないと確信したマッカートニーは、メロディーに合う歌詞を書き始めた。当時レノンとマッカートニーがよくやっていたように、「Scrambled Eggs」(冒頭の歌詞は「Scrambled eggs/Oh my baby how I love your legs/Not as much as I love scrambled eggs」)というタイトルの代用歌詞が、もっとふさわしい歌詞ができるまでこの曲に使われた。


 マッカートニーは当初、1964年のビートルズのフランス・ツアー中に「Yesterday」を書いたと主張していたが、この曲がリリースされたのは1965年の夏だった。その間にビートルズは『A Hard Day's Night』と『Beatles for Sale』という2枚のアルバムをリリースしており、それぞれに「Yesterday」が収録されていた可能性がある。マッカートニーはその主張について詳しく述べたことはないが、遅れは曲のアレンジに関するマッカートニーとジョージ・マーティンの意見の不一致、あるいは自分たちのイメージに合わないと感じた他のビートルズの意見によるものかもしれない。



 Yesterday "という曲について考えていたとき、突然、歌詞の冒頭の小さな一言が浮かんだんだ。ダダダダ、イエス・ター・デイ、スー・デン・リー、ファン・イル・リー、マー・イル・ライ、イエス・ター・デイ、いいね。すべての悩みが遠くに感じられた。Say、nay、today、away、play、stay、韻を踏むのは簡単だし、韻を踏むのも簡単だ。Sud-den-ly、そしてまた'b'、これも簡単な韻だ:e、me、tree、flea、we。

