
I サンサン太陽 - The Sun

English below.






アパレル業界は世界2位の汚染産業* が頭によぎる。


サイズアウトしたら買い換えるという今までの ”常識”を、”当たり前” になった使い捨ての感覚を、視点を変えて見直した。


Long-lasting 長持ち設計





日本のママたちに、“より豊かなライフスタイル” をイソップ童話『北風と太陽』の太陽になって伝えることが、0123sies の #未来のためにできること

国連貿易開発会議(UNCTAD)はアパレル業界を世界2位の汚染産業として指摘しました。 アパレル業界は毎年、930億㎥と推計される水を使用し、石油300万バレルに相当するプラスチック素材を海洋に投棄しています。 炭素排出量においてもアパレル業界は国際航空業界と海運業界を足したものよりも多い量を排出しているのです。

SMART PEOPLE 2021年03月22日


If you know, you know about The Sun from the Aesop Fable “The North Wind and the Sun”

✂︎ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Every time I return to my husband's home country, the UK, I am impressed by how eco-friendliness has become ingrained in people's lives. At the same time, I notice the differences in environmental awareness between Japan and the UK.

In the summer of 2022, when I first returned to the UK with my newborn son, Europe was abuzz with news of life-threatening heatwaves and widespread wildfires.

Where has the comfortable British summer gone, where households manage without air conditioning? It’s no longer just global warming; it's global boiling. The earth is heating up drastically.

As I hold my baby son, I can't ignore the fact that my beloved clothes contribute to environmental pollution. The apparel industry is the world's second-largest polluting industry*.

Making clothes itself causes environmental pollution, which is contradictory. Still, if we do nothing, the situation won't improve. The presence of my child, who is more precious to me than my own life, motivates me to question the "common sense" of buying new clothes whenever the old ones are outgrown, and the now "normal" disposable mentality.

The baby clothes from 0123sies, which can be worn until the next size up, naturally reduce the frequency of replacements. Using expensive organic cotton and producing in small quantities means production costs are not cheap. This is possible because of the close collaboration between our small company, monc.LLC, and an OEM company (intermediary with the sewing factory).

Upcycle design provides dual functionality 🦞

An eco-friendly activity that anyone can start right now is "using things for a long time." It doesn't cost money or effort. It's very simple. And material things alone cannot spiritually fulfill people's hearts... The hint for a richer life that the UK taught me lies here.

Through long-lasting baby clothes (things), if customers can feel joy from the memories (times) and experiences (events) of enjoying their children's growth from babies to kids while inadvertently engaging in eco-friendly activities, I would be very happy.

To Japanese moms, "use things longer for a richer lifestyle," and become the sun in Aesop's fable "The North Wind and the Sun" to convey this message,

This is what 0123sies can do #ForTheFuture.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has pointed out that the apparel industry is the second-largest polluting industry in the world. The apparel industry uses an estimated 93 billion cubic meters of water annually and dumps plastic materials equivalent to 3 million barrels of oil into the oceans. In terms of carbon emissions, the apparel industry emits more than the combined emissions of international aviation and maritime shipping industries.

SMART PEOPLE March 22, 2021: Considering the environmental issues of the apparel industry. What are the efforts to solve the problems?
  • monc.LLC established on December 5, 2023.
