In the human world, there has long been a problem of discrimination due to the dislike of bloodline disorder.
Possession by animal spirits, reincarnated souls of animals, and the bloodlines of humans with demonic origins such as raccoon dogs and foxes extend to promiscuity. In the human world, there has long been a problem of discrimination against bloodline disorder. (Promiscuity has long been a practice among spies and saboteurs, and in US bases. For reasons such as preferential treatment for mixed-race people and promoting immigration.)
However, the reason why humans have come to dislike foxes and raccoon dogs that trick humans is not because they want to get close to humans. Animals do not take revenge on human bloodlines for no reason. Humans who are tricked by animals end up reincarnating without getting tired of it, and end up causing trouble to foxes and raccoon dogs as wild beasts, and even having their lives targeted.
Foxes were eventually eradicated by humans because they tricked foolish humans (makeup) and took revenge on humans, but they retaliated because humans harmed them. It seems as though the world is a place where animal spirits are constantly being reborn one after the other (Christianity explains that the end of the world is near, but reincarnation is impossible for Christians).
Human spirits and animal spirits are different. The punishment for white people who have advanced into the world of colored people where cults are rampant is also to deal with animal spirits and hell spirits. However, the former animal spirits who have taken up the profession of espionage in the human world repeatedly hold parties and orgies (deep in the forest), and everyone gathers a giant frying pan (UFO) to cook pancakes and take turns eating them (see the Japanese picture book "Guri and Gura"). The only difference is whether the food is human or not. (The reason why people of color and certain types of white people have low intelligence is simply a historical issue for humans, and they do not reincarnate in the order of intelligence.)
It is not just a matter of spirit possession, but people who seem to be possessed by animal spirits (actually have faces like raccoon dogs or foxes), and the reason why people in humane Christian countries do not even consider that they are reincarnations of animal spirits (animal welfare) is probably because Christianity does not recognize reincarnation.
In Christianity, humans can only be reincarnated as humans, but extraterrestrial life forms return to the Creator without baptism. I think this is why it is preached that humans can only return to the Father through "Jesus Christ, the Savior born as a human" (a delusion in the debate over reincarnation or not).
History has proven that it is useless for the people mentioned above to be baptized. History has also proven that Christianity's message of "believing together" is a safety measure to protect oneself from the spirits of animals. The history of Jesus Christ, who was born as a human, proves that enthusiastic church-going Satanists have no meaning.
In my personal experience, nature spirits, who have no sense of discrimination, are more intelligent. Animal spirits are greedy and miss their target, but nature spirits can work with other gods to heal the human body.
Also, the collective souls of reincarnated animals are excited about animal protection activities. It is a shallow trick for reincarnated animals to rise up as humans. Even foxes use it, and even raccoons raise their children. Therefore, when they become spies in the human world, they sacrifice their own children. It is a party in the depths of the forest. In their hearts, they always look down on people and wield a victim mentality towards their neighbors, but when they come out into the human world, they agree with many to overthrow the ruling class (putting humans down), because they were originally animals. The reason why their actions are annoying is because they are just a superficial way of deceiving (lies, fabrications, misinterpretations, calling black white, etc.).
They say it's a woman's shallow wisdom, but they talk about "women" as mating partners. If you feel the same way, you may have been an animal in a recent past life.
Also, they often talk among themselves about "rescuing the weak from the bottom of society," but since animal spirits are all reincarnated souls, they also cannibalize each other. By the way, the extraterrestrial life form Grays do not cannibalize each other, but humans even eat extraterrestrial life forms for religious reasons.
According to the souls of animal spirits, they are the first in the world to have thought about something they do not know, and they are the first humans in history to do so. They do not research anything and believe what they hear without thinking. They are just like the foxes and raccoon dogs in fairy tales.
Penisism and genitalism are also unique to animals. Just as animals such as foxes and raccoon dogs sometimes take on terrifying forms, aren't the beings called devils in the West just animals disguised as devils? (They are found in the spiritual world.)
Some spiritual animals like to call themselves "devils" in a terrifying way. However, in my personal experience, they are persistent not because they are devils, but because they are animal spirits. Even the dog-like demons I observed in the spirit world could listen carefully to what was to their disadvantage, and when I explained to them that they should be intelligent but neutral, they were as obedient as loyal dogs. Even demons are afraid of their own lives.
However, the souls of animal spirits are as undisciplined and relentless as the spies from Far East Asia who want to become Queen Elizabeth, and they have been advancing their plans even if it means destroying a country or annihilating a people, even losing their lives.
What value do the nations of the human world have for the souls of animals who have been reincarnated as humans? The souls of animals just keep repeating the cycle of reincarnation (the same thing) and destroying the world in which people live.
In the future, according to the Christian calendar, the number of nations on Earth will be narrowed down to about 10, but even a fox or a raccoon dog can carry out destructive activities.
However, I have heard that 5.6 billion years from now, when Maitreya Bodhisattva appears, no one will be reincarnated and the Earth will be swallowed by the sun, so it's all for nothing.
The reason why a maritime university was established in the southern part of Japan, which has the lowest academic proficiency in the country, and which boasts of being the "world's most cited university" is apparently related to the fact that the children of barbaric spies from this region have covered up the torture of MI6 by Chinese assassination squads off the coast of the Sea of Japan. (The spirits of the tortured victims have appealed. They come to visit almost every day.)
Indeed, it is extremely unnatural that, despite being in the southern part of Japan, which has the lowest academic proficiency in the country, they would go out of their way to claim that they "were not left behind by globalization," just like Japan's left-leaning media.
People who want to become doctors in Japan don't bother to aim for universities in this region, and if they do take the exam, it is usually a back-up school for people who have difficulty getting into a prestigious medical school.
I've written about this online many times, so I won't go into it here, but I'll warn you that they hate the world's top universities (the souls of animals who want to bring down the human MI6), are ugly and mediocre people of color who are jealous of the beauty of Westerners (the souls of animals who bring down MI6 because they are ugly), and feel ecstatic joy that "by torturing MI6 and making an example of them, I can now confront them in a thesis."
The souls of animals in human form reveal their stupidity by their shamelessness in easily greedily taking psychological compensation. They are human animals without a shred of merit.
Even if there was a fabricated study on the victims of Western soldiers who were suddenly attacked and tortured during training, it would never have been made public, and psychologically inferior people all over the world have enjoyed watching the torture.
It is said that this is not something humans do, but they are the souls of animals who are dissatisfied with the human creature. It is also said that it is "the work of the devil," but neither God, angels, nor demons are reincarnated as humans, so this is off the mark. The same thing happens when a large group of animals just mess around.
The foolish traitors of MI6 who are promoting interbreeding with the Far East Asians who are said to have assassinated former Prime Minister Abe are the ones who are being killed (they are called globalists, although the definition is unclear). This is because there are more traitors, but they are angry and pretend to be the victims in order to not admit their wrongdoing. And to balance things out (how?), they cause a big incident every 10 years.
From now on, they will make all the people involved in the unnecessary planned murders (disguised as training) and torture as spies, and say that "there was no cover-up under the guise of training, it was all intelligence work within MI6, and if we promote interbreeding, it will not be obvious that it was a shameful private crime committed by a colored person targeting white people."
This is why God has the dead MI6 on the globalist side make the accusations against me, a medium who is supposed to be the enemy. Because lies are repeated a hundred times and swept under the rug among the souls of animals who are unrelated to skin color.
Orgies have been going on for a long time at US military bases in Japan (according to the spirit world), but this is a threat to the ugly people of color in the US military bases under Chinese surveillance to "mix races" so that they can rise to the top as British intelligence agents.
I learned from observing the spirit world that a white MI6 man was hung alive from the sky over the sea until he was eaten by a fish, and the Chinese assassination squad laughed and enjoyed it. (Is this the one you sometimes see on YouTube where they say they'll hang him from a helicopter?)
I also communicate with MI6 in the spirit world, and when I was searching for a hidden body of a murdered MI6 man, I was seriously injured in the mountains and my flesh was torn and I had to get many stitches. When I was looking for medicine at a drugstore to heal my injury, the clerk recommended a skin medicine called Samemiron (shark) to me with some "proudness".
For the soul of a raccoon dog in human form, the effective use of the "raw blood of the MI6's sacrifices" makes it feel "superior as a living being".
The spirit of an MI6 man who was tortured at sea was watching my whole experience from the spirit world, and when I used the drug, he came forward and appeared in front of me. Maybe it's because the drug is made of a part of their body...
Nowadays, stupid Japanese people all over Japan are talking about this maritime university with glee, but one of them, Takafumi Hori, had a subordinate at his former company slashed open his stomach while he was still alive and murdered on a hotel bed (this was a widely reported incident in Japan in the 2000s, and there is a theory that it was a foreign hitman who was killed after the stock market crashed).
The victim's blood-splattered soccer uniform T-shirt, which the perpetrator supposedly left behind at the scene and walked away, was handed over to a stranger who came to the police station to collect it without even checking the identity of the person. They took advantage of the lack of laws.
It's often the case that we only notice trivial things later, but the soccer ball is the same color and pattern as a panda, so it seems to be a sign of pro-China. I felt like I had a glimpse into the world of former animal souls. They cannot think logically, and their brains must be made up of keywords, marks, patterns, and symbols.
When I heard from the spirit (an anti-social entity) that he borrowed a gun from a police counter that supposedly had operatives, shot and killed two Japanese public security police (their bodies were dumped in the sea), and then returned the gun to the counter, I immediately remembered the above.
Whether the enemy is the Japanese public security police, the local anti-social entity will be protected by the local police, but retaliation will always occur. They are always under the watch of foreign intelligence agencies, and have competed to instigation of foreign aggression (treason), so they are full of madness.
Then, finally, in the 2000s, I heard from the spirits themselves in the spirit world that an MI6 operating in Japan was tortured by the traitorous MI6 and foreign and anti-Japanese forces, including Koreans in the country. After several hours of torture, it was the same white MI6 who had a Japanese junior high school student use a gun to kill the white MI6. The indirect appearance of children is similar to the attempted assassination of President Trump. The battle to instigation of foreign aggression has reached its peak.
After the Livedoor incident, even a chain of "futon washing" stores with signs in the color of the circle was opened, but this is a disgrace to the Japanese who were brutally murdered and Japan (the national flag), and it is only because of the sense of superiority that only animal souls can have.
For a long time, blood-stained sanitary napkins and packages with pictures of pickled plums have been left on the roadside around my house, but this is probably because the Japanese flag is hanging inside my house.
In ethnic group-planned crimes (such as MK Ultra), some people may have had the experience of making a business out of (stealing from) the victims of crime, but isn't it time to consider the background of the Kyoto Animation arson attack?
I've heard that the students were guided by their teachers to head for the roof as they fled, but many people feel uncomfortable about this. I've also seen a video posted that shows media personnel lurking around the area a few days before the incident. It's like the 9/11 attacks in the United States, which are said to have been planned from the beginning.
The assassination of former Prime Minister Abe took place in the 2020s, but it seems to have been planned to avoid bleeding as much as possible (it's not like drawing a Japanese flag, which is too ridiculous).
I was able to confirm from the hellish spirits in the spirit world that the reason why they carry out planned sabotage activities in Japan every 10 years is because many Japanese people are pro-foreign powers, and it is not because the people do not notice the movements of domestic espionage and subversive activities.
You may not believe it, but they have very low intelligence, just like the Satanists described in the Bible.
As mentioned above,
The Empress, who graduated from Oxford University Graduate School in the UK, was slandered online as "Masako of Gegege" when she was still the Crown Princess, but I have solved the identity of the perpetrators and the mystery of their words in my own way (if you don't know the famous Japanese monster anime "Gegege no Kitaro", search for it).
Since they despise even pure monsters, they are so-called lower spirits, reincarnations of animal souls. Also, when humans are surrounded by beings different from humans in the invisible world, such as nature spirits, monsters, gods, and extraterrestrial life forms, they become like Crown Princess Akishinonomiya when she was young.
So-called Satanism is not difficult to understand, and their inferiority complex, ethnic frustration and shame are the same as the resentment of animals such as foxes and raccoon dogs that have been exterminated by humans. I feel sorry for the demons and animals that they are likened to.
(Text not written by AI and images created by AI)