

Beautiful transluecent plastic bottle

In Japan, a few popular mineral waters of worldwide. Contolex, Crystal kaiser, Vitel, Volvic and Evian.

Most popular of european mineral water was Volvic and Evian. Why “was”?! Because Volvic is not continue sale in Japan cause by dry water. So  I’m able to buy only Evian now.


Mountain shape plastic bottle

First all, I interest this plastic bottle. Especially ridge of mountain is beautiful design. So, normally these product Ads are clear daylight images. But I tried night view design. Because I found small air bubbles inside of plastic bottle after get Evian. Looks like shining stars. I set milky way galaxy as background.

But all dark image was not easy find for people. I change added normal clear image from bottle label design.

Plus, for the first time, I challenged the tank trailer. The area of design is small, so I worked simple.

In addition, this product also has another design, which will also be challenged to next time.
