"ヨム・キプール "完全勝利モード:コル・ニドレRTR+ファイナルRTR


"Yom Kippur" - Full Victory Mode : Kol Nidre RTR + Final RTR

by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:44 pm

by HPHoodedcobra666 » 2019年10月09日(水) 19時44分

Surprise fellow Satanic Warriors, we will give an extra gift to the enemy.


We continue until the 12th as was the original plan. But we will add some icing on this beautiful RTR cake to make it hit home and seal the so called "Year" of the enemy. We are already doing wonderfully, and we must take the route as we have now, and continue doing the RTR's daily.



We will add the Kol Nidre to the RTR co-ordinated attack. Below is the link for the Kol Nidre RTR. The date is such for the post for reasons that can be self evident. We aren't alone around here.


RTRのコーディネート攻撃にコル・ニドレを追加します。以下、Kol NidreのRTRのリンクです。日付は、自己明らかにすることができる理由のためにポストのためにそのようなものです。私たちはこの辺りでは孤独ではありません。

Now with that being stated, let us not delay and go on with this, so that we undo them quickly.


It's wise therefore to do it at least once in the next days, or once a day. The Final RTR is the priority for spam, but this ritual has to be shoved in. The "Kol Nidre" is a specialized prayer, and for those who do not know what it is, it's a release of all jews from all vows, and responsibilities for lying, murder, and crimes.


Occasionally, some extra 'gifts' may be put there in for the enemy, but our main wave of attack is the Final RTR. Due to how good we have been doing, we might as well add the Kol Nidre for maximum effectiveness and to just completely obliterate their energies raised at the holiday, in full. The aim is for nothing to remain after it and have clean slate to go on with further steps. We did great on Rosh Hashana, did Great for the 7th, 8th, 9th of October, so consider this a centred spiritual style napalm on the specific target.


10月の7日、8日、9日、何をやっていたんだ?( ;´Д`)

We have to keep the win-streak going and this is by continuing to walk the path of success as we have been until now. For such a crappy holiday, we have been doing great in averting it. But we will do more and clean it all.


For maximum results, this should be done as following: Final RTR -> Kol Nidrei -> Final RTR. This is just oil on the spiritual napalm already in effect.

最大限の効果を得るためには、以下のように行う必要があります。最終RTR→Kol Nidrei→最終RTR。これは、すでに効いているスピリチュアルなナパームに油を注いだだけのことです。

The next three days from 10 to 12th, we will be adding the Kol Nidre to the Final RTR Based schedule. If you do elevated reps of the Final - all the best. Just replace one Final for the Kol Nidre, and continue as intended.


次の10日から12日までの3日間は、Final RTR ベースのスケジュールにKol Nidreを追加する予定です。もし、ファイナルを高めにレップするのであれば、最高です。ファイナルをコル・ニドレに置き換えるだけで、意図したとおりに続けることができます。

2019年のJoSのヨムキープル儀式は、丸一日遅れで、10日から〜の3日間だったのか。だからワシの2022年の対ロッシュハシャナの儀式は27日、28日にしたので、一日早いんか(無駄だったのか)。_| ̄|○

For example: Final RTR with x18 reps -> 1 Kol Nidre -> Final RTR with x18 reps is going to solve the deal beautifully.

例えば x18レップの最終RTR→1コルニドレ→x18レップの最終RTRで見事に解決しそうです。

コル・ニードレRTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/KN.htm
ファイナルRTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Final_RTR.htm

  おわり。 _| ̄|○ii
