
Baltimore, MD Regionals 2022: Learning Important Lessons

A little less than a week before 2024 Baltimore Regionals Championship we need to go back in time to 2022. I played at the Baltimore Regionals in 2022. This will be a medium sized report on the last Regionals I played at. I did not document events to the level I do now so this report will have a good bit less photos but 2024 will make up for that. Stay tuned. Let's hope to walking in on Day 0.

Day 0 waiting in line and if you have a careful eye to the right you will see the legend Tord Reklev. This is the first time that we met. He was quite nice. 
Display before you walk into the tournament hall
Always great to see Decidueye
I find these displays interesting as Pokemon has a tendency of keeping their displays lined up with the era of the game. What I mean is this tournament was held during the Sword and Shield era and at this point in the card game there were no legal Sun and Moon cards so I find these displays interesting. I've wondered over the years of this was intentional or the pandemic threw a wrench into a lot of plans and product that will be provided for running the tournament organizers.. Could also be just a cost cutting measure to reuse older displays more before making new ones for each year/era of the game. Just something Ive speculated on overtime.  
Inside the tournament hall Day 0 (Part 1)
Inside the tournament hall Day 0 (Part 2)
Stream game set up. It says 2023 but this would have taken place during 2023 season in the year 2022. 

If you want a proper scale of being at a tournament with 1088 players here's how it looks. 

Isaiah Bradner VS Xander Pero - This game caused a controversy at the time. Day 1
Azul Garcia Griego VS Joshua Frink (1 of 3) This was a game I was excited for since Azul is easily one of the best players of the modernn era. On top of that him playing Mewtwo V-Union (which is a pretty unique deck overall) just made it a more interesting game. Day 1
Azul VS Josh (2 of 3) Day 1
Azul VS Josh (3 of 3) Day 1
Top 8 Jeremy Gumila VS Makani Tran Day 2

So what did I play?

I played Arceus Flying Pikachu close to the list that had won 2022 Worlds and NAIC. Pretty good for this format. I knew it could handle the top decks in the format but B or C tier deck I didn't know how these rando match ups could go.
Outside of the Crobat line, the Fan of Waves can be cut from the list. Thought it could be good Arceus disruption. Also would add one more Cheren and an Echoing Horn.
Notes taken during 2022 Baltimore Regionals

I'll briefly go over the games I played during Day 1 as I didn't document them very much at the time but I'll do my best from memory and these notes. 

Game 1 : Mew Vmax

Mew V 

I had just recently been getting back into the game and didn't know every deck in the format and at the league I was going to at the time no one was playing Mew Vmax so I didn't know everything about the deck ESPECIALLY this one little attack on Mew V called Psychic Leap. Not knowing this attack, bossing up baby Mew, attacking into it but not KOing it and then they just shuffled it back in. This was a major blunder on my end. I learned something important from that game. Know the cards. Know your match ups. Lost 2-1.

Game 2 : ?
Don't remember this one but won this game

Game 3 : Mew Vmax

Cram-o-matic. What a funky card. 

The only notable person I played that day was Frank "The Tank" from the Rare Candy team. I won this set. He was playing the Cramomatic build of Mew Vmax and let me tell you. This man flipped I think 5 out of 6 tails on Cram. He just had the worst luck. That's all this game was. 

Game 4 : Arceus/Aggron Vmax

Aggron Vmax What a tank

"What even is this?!?" Is the reaction I had at the table seeing this. This deck steamrolled Arc Pika. Also made a mistake during this game. Played Research early in the turn and then at the end of the turn played Boss forgetting about the Research and got penalized for that. I think I just got flustered over this set because the writing was so clearly on the wall. 

Game 5 : Mew Vmax
This was the only tie of the day and a very close one. We each won one game. Game 3 starts and we both know there is little time in the round. This is the first time I have offered the "Gentleman's Agreement". For those who don't know, a way to avoid a tie is to offer the Gentleman's Agreements. The agreement is at the end of +3 turns whoevrer has the most prize cards taken will be declared the winner. This is to help in the long run one person get further into the tournament. This can be helpful in many scenarios but sometimes you may want to reject it. Weigh your options and do what you think is right. Also this is not something that can be backed by a judge so even if you agree to it you still don't even have to acknowledge it in the end even after the match is over. Yeah that's just kinda not cool the not do something you agreed to but important to note a judge cannot force the results of the Gentleman's Agreement. My opponent nervously agrees and game 3 barely starts and time is called. The Gentleman's agreements that I go with is whoever at the end of Plus 3 gets the win for that game. In the end it actually helped my opponent more. The entire game comes down to a cram flip. I had a poor start and couldn't take a KO but my opponent needed one card from the deck to get a KO. They flip tails and it ends with a Draw. I know I would have been able to win it if there was no time there. Also fun fact this was the only game where there were 3 judges hovering over our game as we were the last game in the round. The entire tournament was waiting on our game. 

Game 6 : Arceus/Intellion 

Intellion. One of the best cards from this era. No question the whole evolution line is top tier. 

This was a very close game as well and I'd say I made my biggest mistake ever at a serious tournament. So this was a close game 3 scenario. I did not think I had this game. I thought I had guarenteed lost without a Boss and I know one is in the deck. I Research to find boss for next turn and deck out. I lose. I didn't need to Research. I could have attacked and waited and won. Pay attention to your deck size. Don't do it what I did. 

Game 7 : No Show

At this point I was not going to Day 2 but I wanted to see how I could end things. My opponent dropped. Oh well. Free win. 

Game 8 : Ambipom/Zoroark

Ambipom The Main Attacker
Zoroark The Backup Attacker
Cherrim The Energy Engine

This was the weird deck of the day. They also used the stadium "Gimwood Tangle" which just works so well with this deck.

This stadium combo is fire 

One game I did get a win by getting around Ambipoms ability with surprise guest Crobat Vmax. I would just use Stealth Poison or Max Cutter depending on the attacker. Stealth Poison helped me get damage down on Ambipom guarenteed with the Poison damage making them use up more scoop up resources sooner than they wanted to getting me my game 1 win this set. 

Crobat Vmax. This one saved me during a game this set to get me a win. 

This is also the only other game where I did the Gentleman's Agreement. We each won a game and game 3 is were I offered and the agreement was agreed on. I knew I had to do this or I will tie. I knew the agreement was the only way I could get the win. The reason I did this is because I knew I could get at least 2 prizes before they can KO any of my pokemon and just properly time my Cheren for the win. I was sweating here but was able to squeeze out a win. 

Game 9 : Palkia/Intellion

Palkia VStar. One of the best attackers of the Sword and Shield era. 

THANK YOU A FREE WIN. Palkia is an easy win for Arc Pikachu. The second game I didn't event use Arceus and just bosses orders Palkia twice with just Flying Pikachu.  2-0 no problem. Left the event with some Championship points and not too bad of a score for the day. Overall not the happiest with my overall performance but glad to know I'm not too bad at this game. 

I ended the event with a 5-3-1. One loss from being able to play during day 2. Lesson learned from this tournament is know your match ups and pay attention to your deck size too.  

Was able to stay and see Piper Lepine win this event which was exciting especially because it was an Intellion Box deck which is not easy to sequence but skilled players can use it masterfully. I asked Piper on X/Twitter if they were playing Intel box prior to 2022 Worlds because this event had Ross Cawthon pilot the deck at Worlds and put a lot of eyes on the deck concept. 

Piper competing at 2022 World Championship one month prior to Baltimore Regionals
Photo Credit: Josh Fernando

To quote Piper

"I had been playing inteleon rad zard stuff since the card release but I just edited cawthons list for Baltimore since it was by far the most refined the deck would get"

 This makes sense as Ross had found a good consistent way to play the deck and Piper's build is the version I personally have built in real life. 

Piper's Decklist 

Now let's discuss the what autographs I got at this event. 

This is the first event I went to getting cards signed. So many big names I got to chat with in person. Chip (VS Seeker)and Azul (N) from the Uncommon Energy Podcast. I've been a day one listener. I'm also not the best at guess that flavor textthough. Also got Little Dark Fury (Quick Ball) and Zach Lesage (Guzman & Hala)
Jesse Parker (Top 4 2024 Worlds-Teammates) I have been a fan for a while now and seeing Jesse grow as a player is inspiring. Isaiah Bradner (Raihan) signed this for me after his game with Xander. The Ultra Ball is signed by Piper Lepine (Got 1st place at Baltimore Regionals 2022 and a month later 1st place at Ontario Regionals 2022) moments after she won her finals match. She was very happy for her win. Well deserved. 
The two grails of this trip. Ross Cawthon (Brigette) was nice to meet. I think my hands were slightly shaking as he is one of my all time favorite players due to his ability to find new deck strategies throughout the history of the game. I didn't know till recently that HE came up with Bombtar. That's nuts. Also got to meet THE Tord Reklev (5x International Champion, Top 4 2019 Worlds, 2nd Place 2023 Worlds-Japanese Field Blower). The king of the modern era. 

These events on the streaming stage is harder to document as getting photos of people on the stage there's a bit of distance and there is usually people in the audience watching so I'm not trying to affect spectators viewing experience. Also I'm not allowed to just walk in the stage during a game soooo………..

But 2024 is different.


If you read my Brawl City Old School Showdown report you'll know I have plans to focus on documenting retro events as these are the lesser documented sort of events that go by so easy and then the event just gone. I don't know if people care for a report on a modern Pokemon event but let me know. I enjoy doing this for any kind of event so let me know what you would like to see in the future. Anyway stay tuned as very soon the 2024 Regionals report will be here. Thank you for reading. 


2024 built of Arceus Flying Pikachu

I do still have this deck but I need to keep adjusting it. Just don't play 2022 too often but I think the supporters need to be adjusted and some more consistency trainers to make this deck really pop off. 
