
A Cheerful Greeting

Finally, the week is over.

I feel like, little by little, things are starting to get better.

The key points are "greeting people cheerfully" and "actively communicating with others." When you isolate yourself, it’s hard to think positively. You tend to shut down and focus only on negative possibilities for the future.

At times like that, interacting with others who are more upbeat can give you a boost of energy and help shift your mindset to something more positive.

Of course, it’s not easy. It requires stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to act differently, which can be stressful. But if you do nothing, you end up thinking, "I didn’t do anything again today" or "I made no progress at all."

On the other hand, even if you feel like you haven’t made much progress, just knowing you did something can make the day feel a little more fulfilling.

Everyone has their own pace, so I don’t recommend forcing yourself to be overly active. If you alternate between moderate activity and rest, I think you’ll gradually start to see changes.

The important thing is to take it slow and steady, without rushing.
