
#6 THE MOLICE Documentary Film "Days Nights"

(English below Japanese)

 今回は、僕らの初めてのドキュメンタリー映像である「Days Nights」について。

 映像は、最初のアメリカ録音のアルバム『FIVE』リリース後、次のアルバム『SIGNS』を制作するための二度目の渡米をした2016年から始まる。録音をしたGCR Studioがあったバッファローに滞在し、レコーディングを行う傍ら、MVを撮影したりMusic Is Art フェスに出演したりした。2017年の渡米では、アルバム『GATE』レコーディングとともに、ニューヨークシティを含む、初めてのショートツアーも行った。レコーディングをして、オフの日にはレーベルオーナーのRobbyとのパターゴルフやバーベキューをしたりと一見優雅に見えるかも知れないが、忙しいスケジュールの中で、全力で仕事をして全力で遊んでいた。2018年からは本格的なツアーを始めた。街から街へとライブをしながら移動し、ラジオに出たり、海や山や川で過ごしたり。2019年のさらなるツアーに向かうところでこのドキュメンタリーは終わる。この後も長いツアーの日々があるのだが、その記録もいつか何かの形にできたらいいなと思う。

 This time, I would like to talk about our first documentary video, "Days Nights". It documents our U.S. touring, recording and live performances from 2016-2019. Originally created as a Kickstarter reward, our supporters have kindly allowed us to release it to the public to make our music more widely known.

 The video begins in 2016, when after the release of our first US-recorded album "Five", we went to the US for the second time to produce our next album "SIGNS". I stayed in Buffalo, where the GCR Studio where I recorded was located, and while recording, I shot music videos and performed at Music Is Art festivals. On the next trip to the US in 2017, along with recording the album "GATE", they did their first short tour, including New York City. In the video we record and on our off days we play golf and barbecue with label owner Robby. We've been working as hard as we can and playing as hard as we can with our busy schedule. In 2018, we started touring in earnest, playing shows from city to city. We moved from city to city playing gigs, appearing on radio shows, and spending time on the ocean, mountains, and rivers. this documentary ends as we head out on further touring in 2019. There will be long days of touring after this, and I hope to document them in some form someday.

 While creating music, videos, art, and playing music, we met many people, many cities, and many natural landscapes. I have learned how important "meeting" is in life and how much it enriches our lives.The world changed like a completely different thing when Covid spread and everything was stopped, and it continues to change. Such a difficult situation has also taught me a lot.

 For ourselves, this documentary is not just a record of memories, but a record of what we created and what we willed to do in the hot and turbulent days in a foreign country. It is also a record that encourages and empowers us today, as we continue to create even in the cold turbulence of a pandemic.
