

(English below Japanese)



この「THE LOOK」はアメリカで原型を作り、ずっとアレンジを続けていた曲だった。なかなかまとまらなかったこの曲が、コロナで帰国した後のあんな不安定な中でスルスルと完成したのだから不思議なものだ。
LED ZEPPELINやTHE DOORSは、僕の中のずっと深い場所にいて、僕に呼びかけてくる。一つのリフが次のリフに繋がり、それがまた別のリフを導いてどんどん広がっていく。即興とも違う、3分間のロックンロールとも違う。そんなスタイルは過去の音楽から脈々と続き、ロックよりもむしろクラシックやジャズに近いのかもしれない。僕の中ではそれはLED ZEPPELIN的であり、ポストロックやポストハードコアのバンドたちの中にも息づいている。そして僕らTHE MOLICEの中にも。
この「THE LOOK」はそうした僕らのスタイルの一つを表した曲だ。


”Prototype”と銘打っているのは、曲がこれからもどんどん変化するかもしれない過程にあるから、という意味だ。ソングライターのRinkoはまだ何十曲も曲があり、バンドとしてアレンジを始めている曲もたくさんある。その曲たちを眠らせることなく、どんどん世に送り出していくことが、今の自分達にとって一番大事な仕事であり、喜びでもある。その最初の作品になったのがこの「THE LOOK」である。

"生き抜け わたしの呼吸"と強く訴えるRinkoの歌詞は、
まさにTHE MOLICEからのメッセージだ。
”人間は まだ 困難” であり、”バラバラ”だからこそ、生き抜かねばならない。

”生き抜け 生き抜け 何度も輝け”

Covid, which still continues, asks a lot of musicians.
"Do you still want to play music? Do you want to create music?"

When Covid prevented us from returning to the U.S., we were truly at a loss. With no place to live and no job, it was hard to rebuild our lives from scratch. When we took a break, we went back to playing and creating. It was very natural. We didn't have enough equipment, but we found a music studio in a town we didn't know and started playing and creating again.

A band's sound and songs change greatly depending on the playing techniques, thoughts, and feelings of the individual members. Each other's playing and thinking influence each other. Creation in a band is always incomplete, unstable, and dangerous. That is the fun of being in a band. It is completely different from the pleasure of playing precisely to a completed score. This song, "The Look," was created in the U.S. and had been in the process of being arranged for a long time. It is a wonder that this song, which had been difficult to put together, was smoothly completed in such an unstable situation after returning to Japan with Covid.
LED ZEPPELIN and THE DOORS are in a much deeper place inside of me, calling out to me. One riff led to another riff, which led to another riff, and so on and so forth. It's not improvisation, it's not three minutes of Rock 'n' Roll. This style of music has continued from the past and may be closer to classical music or jazz rather than rock. In my mind, it is similar to LED ZEPPELIN, and it also lives on in post-rock and post-hardcore bands. And in us, THE MOLICE. This song "THE LOOK" represents one of our styles.

Once a song is completed, we play it over and over again. This is how we polish a song. Then we want to record it. It is the irrepressible nature and essence of human beings to record and preserve their works. This is an ongoing challenge, a pleasure, and an absolute must for us.
Let's record the songs, give them shape, and leave them behind. We have to create more and more and leave more and more. That was our strong feeling in Covid. This song was our first attempt. We recorded it in a rehearsal studio with a microphone, just like in the old days, with laughably poor equipment.

We call it "Prototype" because the song is in the process of being transformed. Songwriter Rinko still has dozens of songs, many of which the band has begun to arrange. It is our most important task and pleasure to release these songs to the world without putting them to sleep. The first of these songs is "THE LOOK".

Rinko's lyrics, "Live through my breath," are a message from THE MOLICE.
"Human beings are still difficult," and because they are "in pieces," they must survive.

"Live through, live through, shine through again and again."

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
