10/1 A perfectly productive day
Today was a day really full of tasks.
7:30 Wake up
8:00-8:30 Check new email
8:30-9:30 Study case questions for job hunting
9:30-11:00 Make a badget sheet,
11:30-1:30 Call and make a presentation to parents
1:30-3:45 My assignment due tonight
4:30-6:30 Play tennis
7:00-8:30 English seminer
9:20-11:50 Career seminor by One career1
1:30-2:10 Career seminor by One career2
2:30 Go to bed
It was extreamly busy day!! But for me it was perfect day because there ware not any wasting time. I did everything what I have to do. I was so excited! I made a my daily life plan, such as waking up at 7:30am, checking email, studying case questions, sleep at 2:30am, and so on. A purpose of this is to make a good habit and make a very productive life!!!