[HARIKEN] World! The original character of [HARIKEN], who is known as "Green Boy"! Character brand. All kinds of things into pop characters.
This time, I'd like to introduce you to [HARIKEN]!
Character brand! [HARIKEN] representative "Kenichi Hariu" has numbers of works! The number of characters he had designed is over 1000!
That's an overwhelming number! He's got so many characters, and he is involved in so many activities!
This time, "I'm going to make all kinds of things into pop characters! version!" That's how I'd like to proceed.
So here are the original characters we'll be introducing!
-ARE KORE SORE (This-and-that)
[HARIKEN] is an artist who works in design and product planning with the motto: "Make the world smile with original characters and love".
He's familiar as the "Green Boy", so GREEN! Is what he wears. Looks good!
In the world of art SOFUBI, where many artists create a world view with their
works and their backgrounds, it's wonderful to see how [HARIKEN] expresses himself as a part of his works! He is a green, rocking, and peaceful person. By the way, he is also the leader of the Japan Coris Hunter Association. (Coris is a whistle candy with a small toy in the box)
Green is the aspiration of a greenhorn. Let's be inexperienced and live your life! Is the feeling he's put in.
I don't think it's easy to live your life as greenhorned and as you are, but it's
cool that [HARIKEN] lives straight according to his will.
Now, I'd like to introduce you to the original SOFUBI.
About "ARE, KORE, SORE", I'm sure you're wondering "what kind of character is that!?"
It feels like a [HARIKEN] world.
ARE, KORE, SORE seems to be a "character that watch over".
They are watching over us in the form of "I'm always watching over you, by don't speak in silence".
ARE is the first of the members who "don't speak in silence".
From there, overseas popularity grew, and KORE and SORE were born.
KORE is watching over you, so that you can be "natural". KORE is watching over you by don't speak in silence.
SORE is watching over you, who is determined to take on challenge, SORE is
watching by don't speak in silence.
This work is very interesting because the amulet and the design are well matched by putting a bell inside. The fact that the inside is hollow, which is one of the characteristics of SOFUBI figures, is very useful, and recently it may be attached with a magnet like "Panda-Kopanda", or if it is a clear body, it may be painted inside. It's possible, but it's nice that it is well integrated with the theme and reproduced.
It's a popular SOFUBI sold not only in Japan but also in Shanghai, Hong Kong,
Taiwan and Singapore!
It's the secret of the forest, "YEAHTI".
There is also a small Bigfoot "SARE" paired with this one.
As it says in the header, this right hand sign is "LOVE & ROCK"!
Everyone can't help but dance when they see it! Party time!
That's what it says on it! It's a very POP character!
This color is the one I bought at Design Festa the other day.
YEAHTI is good, isn't it? It's a work full of the free sense that only art SOFUBI
can give! I love the nostalgic shape of the retro SOFUBI like monster figure with the signature on the right hand. I also like how the head can rotate. I also like the triangular design, which is innovative in a world of rectangular designs!
"The pointy-headed fairies are still living somewhere today."
Various colors of "SOFTROLLs" are appearing.
I like how this protruding tooth is the characteristic point.
The color is beautiful and it's really cute.
The cheeks are also plump, and this charming cuteness is great.
Simple characters are great.
It's simple and cute! Is what you feel.
It's a nice design that expresses individuality with a minimum of arrangement.
Other SOFUBI figures "MAD PANDA", BLITZGON the Lightning Monster", "RAIDON the Omen Monster", "SNOW THE GIANT".
He also designed the Legendary Pro Wrestler "Stan Hansen" T-shirt!
His connection to Stan Hansen is amazing! I was so surprised when I saw the
HARIKEN stickers
The stickers are especially numerous, and he make pop characters out of just
about anything. There is a really wide range of stickers: sushi items, daruma,
vegetables, fruites, burger, dumplings, naturo, empty cans, spray cans, screwdrivers, umbrellas, thumbtacks, hearts, stars, skeletons, etc.
Since he also like American toys, so it's interesting to see the various tastes.
I guess we can enjoy the world of HARIKEN's design with stickers!
Gacha-Gacha "Purapura (dangling) Vanilla STRAP! -Cream Soda ver.-"
So, Gacha-Gacha is also being done.
"Daruma Boya" is also by HARIKEN.
He has taken a familiar work of art and designed it in a pop and cute way! He must be overflowing with ideas! It is amazing that he continue to output this as his work!
There are many other things he is doing!
There were so many of them that I couldn't keep up with them all, so I just showed just few of them this time.