[Let's dye SOFUBI!] - Advanced level version - Challenge to dye 7 colors! Mrs. Migupiro taught me how to dye without using an airbrush & compressor! [Sofuken] Present plan, too!
How to dye a clear body in rainbow color!
Teach me! Migupiro sensei!
So, it's one of the questions that SOFUBI artist "Migupiro" has got on Twitter, and it's also something I've always wanted to ask.
The question was, "How do you dye more than three colors?" It's difficult to convey only in letters, so we've decided to start this project by asking her to actually tell us! Thank you very much for you co-operation.
In the last video, we went over "The Beginner's version of dyeing!", and this time we're going to "Advanced version!". So please take a look at the beginner's version if you like!
The dyeing edition 1st installment
And this time, I'd like to do the 2nd installment of 7 rainbow colors. This will be an "advanced version" of [The dyeing edition].
First off, we will use this dye in the same way as last time we dyed.
And the instruction for the seven-color dyeing procedure has been filled out in this form!
The head and body can be disassembled, so we will dye the head first.
And this time, if you add another color from the opposite side...the three-color gradation is complete.
We will put a darker color on.
The body and torso parts will be dyed in different colors.
It was beautifully dyed!
And the Rainbow Takkun is complete.
It's really fun, so please give it a try.
I also do more on YouTube.
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