多大なご協力いただいた「東京ねこなかま」様、「Cafe de しっぽな」様、「Zeroストレッチ()」様、作家 安部蓉子様に、御礼申し上げます。
I was able to finish all the schedule of the exhibition with great success. I'm really happy that so so so so many many many many people visited our exhibition through four days. Newly connected people who met for the first time this time, people who likes my paintings from the previous exhibition 10 years ago, former affiliations of my research era (Kanagawa Prefecture Nature Conservation Center, RIHN, University of Tsukuba), friends and teachers from school days (elementary / middle / high school / university / graduate school / doctoral) e.t.c... Thank you very much for visiting us.
This exhibition was positioned as an announcement as an illustrator for me, so I was worried about how much I could do myself, and if everyone did not come before the event. However, when I opened the lid, it was so busy that I couldn't talk enough to some people. I'm sorry for those who couldn't talk.
From now on, I'm planning to held exhibitions in Tokyo and other places (later Kansai and Global?). So both those who couldn't come this time and those who came this time, please come and see me next time.
I would like to create more and more good and interesting works from now on, so I would appreciate your frank opinions and advice from you all. Thank you so much !!!!!