Made raw from scratch
i was made raw from scratch flesh and bones my views and looks
not anyone elses dictates or tells me what to do or be
i made myself raw from scratch
no need to copy ,wannabe,lookup too or idolize it lead to losing originality
i am my own creation entity i am made flesh and blood i am made raw from scratch nobody else but me to fight and bring myself back up and fend for myself
no one needs to tell me what to do or be
no need to shut me up or cancel me out
cultural or class wars being divion not unity
fuck it im a frondeur fuck it all
no home but roadbut no home than home also
in and out but in is home
resist and revolt the people retaliate and lookism cause cant accept a person made raw from scratch and isnt how society wants them to be or how they want us to be
im made raw from scratch nothing and nobody can aim or be me cause it takes more than a copy and mock to be me
no other way to say it being real,free,living and being made raw from scratch best thing you can be