やってきましたニュージーランド! / Here I come, NZ!
※English following Japanese
Changing Mindsという非営利団体で11ヶ月間、インターンシップという形で働きます。
Changing Minds: https://www.changingminds.org.nz/
この海外研修は、公益財団法人 ダスキン愛の輪基金による、「ダスキン障害者リーダー育成海外研修派遣事業」の支援を受けています。https://www.duskin.co.jp/torikumi/ainowa/
Here I come, NZ!
On 17th February, I arrived in Auckland, New Zealand, fulfilling a long-standing wish.
Stepping outside the airport, I was struck by the bright sun light and warm (actually hot) weather, making me forget that it was winter when I boarded the plane in Japan.
New Zealand, like Japan, has four seasons, but due to its location in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are opposite. Therefore, it is currently summer. Despite this, the temperature does not exceed 30°C (even in the last few days, the maximum temperature was around 27°C) and the humidity is low. It has been so long that I cannot recall the last time I experienced a 'pleasant summer'.
Trying again after four years.
This is my second chance to study mental health abroad. Four years ago, I was supposed to go for a short-term study program in the USA and an internship in New Zealand.
I departed for Boston on 14 February 2020, which was around the same time as four years ago. However, the coronavirus pandemic had just begun, and the situation in the USA quickly changed after my arrival. Unfortunately, after only a month, I had to return to Japan.
The purpose of coming to NZ
I work for a non-profit organization called Changing Minds for 11 months in the form of an internship.
The organization is based in Auckland, and implements various projects to improve mental health in the community.
Changing Minds: https://www.changingminds.org.nz/
In my upcoming posts, I will provide more details about the organization and my internship. However, for now, I would like to highlight the two most interesting features of the organization.
All staff members of this organization have lived experience with mental illness or addiction.
Focusing on community-based support initiatives.
Through these activities and experiences, I aim to explore my aspirations and capabilities as an individual with lived experience.
That is why I came here.
For now, I am relieved to have arrived safely…
To be continued in the next posts!
Thanks to the support of the Duskin Ainowa Foundation under the “Study Abroad Leadership Program for People with disabilities”, I was able to organize this internship.