
ベター・コール・ソウル シーズン1 第5話「羊飼いの少年」:My hat is off to you


Did your neighbor consent to sell you her paper?
→consent to: 合意を得る
Guy sure sounds like a tweaker
It’s travesty
→travesty: a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something 滑稽化、茶番
I want to secede from the United States
→secede: 離脱する
Let’s talk turkey
→talk turkey: discuss frankly or straightforwardly 率直に話す
My hat is off to you
→hats off to you: give praise 脱帽する
Lousy days
→lousy: very poor or bad ひどい
They tasered me
→taser: fire a taser at someone to incapacitate 電気ショックを与える
I’m the one doing the heavy lifting
→doing the heavy lifting: 重荷を背負う
I was on the fence
→on the fence: be undecided, not committed 決めかねている
Cash cow
I just needed some razzmatazz
→razzmatazz: showy, exciting activity 派手さ、活気
Don’t be bashful
→bashful; shy 弱気、寡黙


