Day3 - SDGsのまとめとField Workの始まり
① Grundofos
② IKEA (アイキアって発音 !)
Every year they upload sustainability report.
1. 各家庭で人々ができるサステイナブル行動をガイド(節水を促す器具が売られていたり)
They help people to do sustainable in a home.
2. 使い終わった家具の木を再利用する
Reuse the wood from used furniture.
3. 職場での男女平等
Gender Equality in the workplace.
③ Uniliver
1. 容器のプラスチックを
Plastic is very useful in various ways, so we can't say it's just evil.
Plastic comes from the big river from Italy, New York, Asia, and the like, just because they don't have a trash system
2. 白人だけでなく黒人など様々な人種を美しく見せる化粧品
They make cosmetics which can make various people beautiful in a different way.
※Eltwin from Denmark and Poland
②Group Activity⑴
それが他のゴールとどう関連しあっているか / 対立しあっているか。
No.6の綺麗な水と衛星(Clean water and Sanitarily)。
- How can the goals be supported?
・2 Zero Hunger - 1.No poverty, 3 Good Health and Well-Being
→When archiving the goal of Clean water, it's easy for citizens to make nutritious food.
・4 Quality Education
→When we can get good sanitary in a school, teachers can easily offer a good education, as well as learners are likely to come to school.
・11 Sustainable Cities and Community, 15 Life on Land
→It's easy to maintain a clean city when we can get a sanitary system.
- contradicted by others?
- 13 Climate Action
Making sufficient sanitation system requires a lot of CO2, and might destroy natural resources.
- Why do we need global action in order to solve the goals?
The ocean is connected. Even if one country tries to clean, it's meanless without other's cooperation.
③Group Activity ⑵
1. その国が達成したいであろうSDGsゴールは?
Which of the goals the country might want to achieve?
2. その国が無視したいであろうSDGsゴールは?
Which of the SDGs the country might want to ignore/ will not be able to reach?
3. なぜその国は、ゴールを達成するために他国と協力すべきなのか?しないべきなのか?Why should the country will/ will not collaborate with other countries in achieving the goals?
1. 男女平等、LGBTQ+の平等を達成したいだろう。
Firstly Gender equality. Reduced Inequalities which also directly connect to peace, justice, and strong institutions should be achieved by Russia. 12000 women are being killed each year as a result because of domestic violence. Domestic violence is partially caused by seriously bodily harm is not a crime. Women’s wage is equivalent to 70 pct. of men’s wage. LGBTQ people face legal and social challenges not experienced by LGBTQ persons. Addressing these issues, although not easy, should be done to better the quality of life and boost the economy through better opportunities for everyone. When women are empowered, the economic benefits come with it. The same goes with reduced inequalities and discrimination of the LGBTQ communities. These issues are deeply rooted in Russian culture and have proven to be a microcosm of Putin's authoritarian rule.
2. 環境保全は避けたいだろう。経済成長や国際的な力を重視しているので。
Russia may want to ignore the Climate Action goal simply because of its direct correlation to their economic growth and power. As well as the increased benefits of local climate change which many of their citizens are enjoying the outcomes of.
3. 他国と協力しなければ、どんどん平和から遠のく。
Russia should collaborate with many countries on the Peace, Justice and strong institutions SDG to help compromise on many of their political issues with other countries. This could directly benefit their food security issue by coming to agreements on lifting sanctions and improving trade. This ties in directly in solving the Ukrainian crisis in which most of their sanctions were placed in correlation with.
④Field Work
今回グループでフィールドワークを元にしたmini Projectを行うのですが、
・the scientific way of fieldwork by Bronislaw Malinowski
・Pointparticipation: you are an element of a group
・Fieldwork is demanding interpersonal skills, Inductive帰納的 and deductive演繹的 research.
ちなみにPeir教授は、二年間漁師としてフィールドワークを行い、そのコミュニティが何をしているか、どういう関係性があるかを調査したことがあるそうですが、最初の2週間は船酔いsea sickで苦しんだとか。笑
How to gather data
• take a lot of photos, collect materials
• write down your observation- immediately
• Ask people short questions (don't be too personal, don't be afraid)
• Spread your observation over time (return to the same scenario)
• Interviews(Qualitative/Quantitative)
• Questionnaires(Opened/Closed questions)
私たちのグループでは、Botanical Garden周辺を歩いたのですが、環境に良いGoodsがたくさんありました!