
32 years old. Do I want my child?

To be honest, I don't like children. But I often think whether I will regret not having children in the future.
Because I bet it's true that there are happiness when people have and raising their child. If I don't have children, I can't gain the happiness.

However, as I said, I don't like children. I wanna use money and time for myself. Some people might think I'm childish but it doesn't matter. I should follow my feelings.

So I decided to study abroad again in the end of this year. Although I'm anxious about my money, future and so on, I wanna try it.

If I had gotten married to my ex-boyfriend, I wouldn't study abroad. Even if I had chosen the lifestyle, I would feel happy.

But now, I'm single.
My friends have their husbands, children, house, career and so on. On the other hand, I don't have them.  So I wanna take an advantage of this situation.

It's OK even though I spend different life compared to others' life.
