
Quarantine Diary 4/8/20







free zineの英語版のお問い合わせが急に増えて、ロンドンの人にデータを送る。お互い無事でね、と言い合って。


A sound woke me up. My husband was not in the bed, but in the living room. He was mumbling something like "how?" "why?", sweating, very pale, walking around and passed out. It was only few seconds, he came back when I called his name and slapped his face. What came to my mind was "is ambulance able to come here?" and "where should we go?" All NY hospitals are almost full. 
It might be allergy of aspirin. That made him sweating, and then he had a panic attack. He got better immediately. I made him change his T shirt, made him tea. 

I was calm at that moment, and tried to remain clam afterwords. So I did some chores. Like doing dishes or checking my phone, etc. Because I thought they bring me to my normal day.
Then it slowly caught me.
We are alone in this city.
But this is not unique for us. Being with somebody means that you have to be the one who got to decide in the time of emergency. Your decision have a power. All parents do the same, right now, all over the world. wow.

And then, another bad news came. Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign... Noooo, Bernie... It's too much.

I had to take a hot bath with candle lights. Watching the little fire somehow makes me feel good. Stayed there for three birthday candles. 

This might sounds crazy, but I believe that what happened this morning was a test. Yesterday, my husband was jokingly saying that if we survive this, we will have a baby. I agreed. But I have some fear for being a parent. It means that I have to decide so many difficult decisions. I have to be responsible for another's life.
The day separates us will come. But I chose to be with him and I am not regretting that. Even though that thinking freak me out constantly. I will choose to be with him every time. Those are fundamental fear, and the fact that all of us who lives on earth have the same issue somewhat makes me calm. I will be fine. We will be fine.

While I took care of my husband, I was also thinking about this journal. "I didn't expect that I end my diary in this way" was what I was thinking. Funny. So, I guess this journal means to me a lot. It would be different from something I write later on.
I feel now it is very important to write down about our days for everyone. Our ordinary life is changing so quickly and dramatically. Please let me know if you are blogging about your days. I'd love to read your diary, too.

Suddenly, I got few inquiries for my free zine. Sent one data to London, saying "Stay safe" to each other.

Stay safe, everyone! And see you again soon!

LOVE, Yuko


Yuko Weiner  ワイナー祐子
zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!