
Quarantine Diary 4/13/20







Rainy day. I had a zoom meeting about my zine. She wants to submit, but as this is her first time to make any art form, she feels scared. I understand. Creating something is scary. I still have that fear, and I'm sure everyone does. And it is part of joy, it is thrilling. All creators are addicted to this excitement.

We found that we can order the food right after midnight. We waited and got some organic products. 

Listening to a small radio program. The sound of rain was the background. It's interesting that I am listening to it on a rainy day, too. Then, she called my name. Those small conversations are helping me a lot. 

I don't want to be numb to the fact that more than 700 people die every day only in NY. I was not here at the time of 911, but the number exceeded it easily. I have always reminded myself that some incidents like 911 can happen while I live here. But I didn't expect this. Everyone is talking about reopen, but it is too early. We don't really know what will come even in May.

I cannot say "stay home" to Japanese people. They don't have any support from the government. I can only say "stay safe." I am praying, and also checking on the government, and doing my best to keep myself happy. It is hard to find a right valance.

I recorded my own radio with the sound of rain. Hope it'll reach to someone.

LOVE, Yuko


Yuko Weiner  ワイナー祐子
zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!