
Quarantine Diary 4/9/20

素敵なzineをシェアされているのでどうぞ!How to 瞑想 zine!作り方もわかりやすいです〜♡





Day 22. Had a zoom meeting for the work. Unemployment Insurance, next show, and more stuff. Worked on my computer whole morning. My husband's meeting was postponed so he was cleaning the kitchen. He is fine. He told me that he was surprised how I was calm and brave yesterday morning. Yes, I was surprised, too. We are becoming stronger as a family. All the emotions are gift. We can feel them because we are alive. I am grateful for that.

It was a spring storm outside, but didn't last long. 
How do we work and make money from now on? How does the world's economy survive this? Those thoughts worries me. At the same time, we are surly living in a very unique time. Everything is changing at the same time at the huge amount and it's happening everywhere! I want to support the artists, but I don't like this system that we only can support them by buying their art work. It goes the same as their products. or service. I need a new economy system!
I was proposing some new project for my job. It won't make money, but it can be fun. 

We finished "Unorthodox" wow, it was such a beautiful and rare story. I barely knew anything about them other than that I am sharing same J train with them... Highly recommended!

The news of the race of covid-19 victims makes me so sad. I knew this will come. And it did. One of my husband's colleague's grandpa passed away. I don't know if the family could have a proper funeral. I wish they do.

LOVE, Yuko


Yuko Weiner  ワイナー祐子
zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!