
Quarantine Diary 5/10/20

Happy Mother's day! 53日目、晴れ。昨日は雪がちらついた。五月の雪かぁ。初めて。

#検察庁法改正法案に抗議します  のツイッターデモに参加しています。13日までは毎日しつこくつぶやいて、首相官邸に意見を書く。サクサクとね〜。政治のこと口にするなんて…という空気がまだあるのを感じるけど、それってなんか変だ。だってわたしたちのことだもん。


Chosen Family、自分で選んで作る家族、という考え方があるけれど、わたしはそちらの方が好きだな。自由だ。血のつながりや肉親がすべてではないよね。




Happy Mother's Day! Day 53. It was snowing yesterday. Snow in May?? Wow. I woke up early for an instagram live by my favorite writer, Mirei Hattori. She and her friend were talking about a dating app, and it was so cute, and fun. And then I had an online interview with one of the new artists. We started talking about Japanese government. He said that he's afraid that Japan will be isolated and left from the rest of world... I could only agreed with him...

There was a twitter protest. With this hush tag, #検察庁法改正法案に抗議します Japanese citizens are trying to protest against the new law reform which is basically trying to make PM Abe's close friend to become a top of public prosecution office. In order to do so, Abe is trying to change the law and expand the age of retirement. So that that person can be in power 5 more years and he will protect Abe by accusing many crimes he had committed and will commit. It is an abuse of power. Abe will be like a PM in Hong Kong, or more like Putin... We don't want the dictator as our leader. We deserve better democracy. And there's this weird feeling that people SHOULD NOT talk about the politics. I don't know how to explain this... but it is kinda long tradition in Japan that people should avoid arguing over politics. I would say that is BS. Politics is directly affecting our everyday life. We must talk and think and say something, make noise. Silence will not protect you.

I'm becoming like my mother. Mother’s Day is a big event in America. It’s a pressure to everyone, they supposed to have a perfect relationship with their mothers... that’s impossible. There are people who lost mother/children, people who doesn’t know their mother, people who doesn’t have relationship with mother/children, people who chose not to be a mother, people who wishes to be a mother, but can't ...
I don’t like this social pressure over those very private things. Because of social media, all those things are revealed and compared. And it also is related to the "ideal mother" image. I am sure no one is a perfect mother. I hope those old images will all come out and gone. 
Also I love the idea of chosen family. The blood doesn't make a good family.

Today was my brother’s birthday. He recently got married! Congratulations!

We spent an hour on the roof. Where's the snow? It's nice and warm.

This is the cardio exercise I've been doing since day one. It looks easy, but it hurts my husband's legs who just started joining me. Try it!

LOVE, Yuko


Yuko Weiner  ワイナー祐子
zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!