Quarantine Diary 4/23/20
こんな書きっぱなしの日記でも、毎日続けることで少しは英語の勉強になっている。最近は携帯でもパソコンでも勝手に正しい綴りが出てきちゃって、ほとんどちゃんと調べないのだけど、noteは綴りが間違っていることは教えてくれるけれど、正しいものに変えてはくれないのがとてもいい。だいたいの間違いはR・L、A・O、S・Cだ。Actor/Acter みたいにね。
Day 36! We couldn't sleep well. But we did it! Woke up at 6:30, and went for a short run. I felt better than the other day, but still hard. My whole body is still soar. I thought this could be a good training for my lungs. I have a weak lungs, so I need this to stay healthy. This can not be covered with stretching.
Came home, taking shower, and doing laundry. I am struggling with the thickest bath towels... I squeezed them too much, my upper arms are soar. Nice. I am not those "sports-minded" or macho people at all. Because, I don't like to be force to do anything. But I like training myself stoically.
I have been this nagging pain in my stomach for few days. ...I am not sure if this is accurate way to describe it. Japanese language has a lot of Onomatopoeia (mimetic words), and so often I can lost in English words. But I need to find those vocabularies of pain...
Even this very simple journal is helping to develop my English. As the auto-correct is everywhere, recently I barely check the dictionary for the correct spelling. This website tells my the misspelling but doesn't replace with correct ones. It is a good practice.
Once I saw a little girl reading a picture book in NY city library. Of course she could speak perfect English, but she couldn't read it smoothly. With asking her mom, she tried so hard reading that simple book, and it moved me somehow. Right. Everyone studied to read English! It doesn't come naturally. It must be harder than Japanese because it's not phonetic... Thank you, little girl. I will keep trying.
I had a weekly job meeting. The new project is going well so far. Artists, galleries, museums, collectors, we all have to help each other.
Had a long nap, and still tired. I took very easy today. Finished mending my husband's jeans. This is one of those pairs I fixed over and over. Those stitches really make the cloth stronger. I love how the center looks like an old rag now.
LOVE, Yuko