Quarantine Diary 4/21/20
政府は毎日のようにいろいろ繰り出してくれるから計算ドリルでもやっている気分。怒って、パシッと意見送って、はい次。リーダーが頭悪いと鍛えられるな〜。政治にプンプンしてたら夫に「Welcome to America!」と言われた。そうそう、もともとがそういう国の成り立ちなんだよね、ここは。
Day 34! I woke up at 7 am and my husband was already up, saying "do you wanna go run?" "Yes!" We went a very short run, but it was so hard! It made me realized that we really need to walk, otherwise we will loose ability of walking... Exercises and stretches can do only so much... It is hard to run and avoiding people at the same time, but we have to do this.
Took shower, do the laundry, and then I found this beautiful and thoughtful birthday present! One of my follower made this stop motion video with those small parts. She's a nail artist, so I guess those are the parts she use for the nail. I will go to her nail salon someday! Check her on Instagram! @___i_i_i_i_i_____
So, Japanese government finally decided to give everyone including foreigners cash, 100,000yen ($929). BUT, in order to receive it, people have to register, and only "the head of household" can register their bank account, and they will receive all of money for whole family. What does it mean? It means if you have abusive husband (most of "the head of household" are husbands or fathers), you might not have access to the money. And if you are running from family? And if your father-in-law is an asshole? I mean, this is just crazy. There should be easier way to distribute money. This is an another clue that Japan is a patriarchal society. Sigh.
I was furious and my husband told me that "welcome to America, being mad at your government." hahaha, that's right. Having a terrible leader makes us smarter.
Instead this stupidest government, many Japanese companies are producing masks, PPEs, face covers, and more. Yes, we can do that! Every day, I am fighting back to the feeling that telling I am powerless. Yes, I cannot donate a lot of money, or I am not an essential worker. But staying home and being healthy, or caring family and friends is a big help now. I can do what I can do.
I made potato salad, and my husband made quesadilla, chips, and salsa. We didn't feel to cook today. Stop making masks today, and mending my husband's jeans. It was dark outside because of the storm, but after we took a nap, it was clear and sunny. What a day!
LOVE, Yuko