Quarantine Diary 4/19/20
Happy birthday to me----!! とてもいい天気。朝いちばんから、大好きなお友達のTAKAHIROさんとインスタライブ。と言ってもただお話しているだけですごく楽しかった〜。最高の誕生日の朝♡
Happy Birthday to me! It's a beautiful day. I started having Instagram live with my dear friend TAKAHIRO who lives in Tokyo. We didn't really do anything but chat, and it was so much fun! The best way to start my birthday.
My mom forgot my birthday this year, so I texted and told her that I turned to 37 today. My parents love and trust my husband so much. They don't need to worry about me, and that's good thing.
Went up to the roof for one hour, it was so beautiful. We had exercise and stretching. It feels so good.
Text my friend Nicole in Hawaii, facetime to Serena in LA. So happy to have good friends! Serena asked me if I have any birthday wishes, and I do not. I just wish the world will be a better place.
I love this "Roof Culture" video. So true. I am so glad that we can go up when we cannot go out.
LOVE, Yuko