
Quarantine Diary 3/27/20








Day 9. There's a sudden number increasing in Japan. I guess they no longer need to hide as they announced Olympics is postponed. Ugh. Demanding reasonable decision to the government, and helping each other and taking care of ourselves are both so important.

Our landlord called and told that we don't have to pay the rent if we are struggling financially. That's sweet. We are promised to be paid till the end of this month, but not sure about next month. My boss said she's gonna do her best to take care of me, but I see clearly about our business's situation. So, I am ready to hear any bad news. On the other hand, it is a good opportunity to rethink about my job. I have been questioning myself, and also it is very important part of my life. I have reasons to keep it except the steady income. Japanese ceramics is something I have devoted literary half of my life. It's not easy decision.

My husband is slowly adjusting. I think I'm more flexible than him. I was worried, but there's only so much things to do for helping him. I have to stay being who I am. Also, secretly, my husband was waiting for this situation. He was also having hard time with his job, commute, and crowded places. 

Our James Turrell way to go to the rooftop. We went up twice today. 

In the back yard, there are cardinals and woodpeckers, squirrels, and other birds as well.

LOVE, Yuko


Yuko Weiner  ワイナー祐子
zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!