Quarantine Diary 3/23/20
その後は楽しいことが色々あった。日本に送ったzineが届いたよ!という知らせだったり、葉書のご注文をいただいたり。それに、zine仲間のかおりさんとパートナーさんが、ラジオで二回に渡りわたしの質問に答えてくださったのだ!zine garden 庭の校正もしてくださってるかおりさん、その時のお話もしてくださったのでぜひどうぞ。
Day 5. The door bell woke us up. It was a mail man. My mom sent us two care packages from Japan. A lot of instant food, dry foods, snacks, candies, canned bread(!), instant rice, tea bags, and more. Oh, yes, Japanese loves emergency foods. (And they need it) Opening and washing, sanitizing them, suddenly I felt an acute pain, homesick. It's not only my parents I miss, but the fact that I cannot visit them in any case of emergency, and also that we don't know how long this situation lasts, that is stressful. I went back to bed and cried. My husband came to check on me. He had never been a foreigner, but he lost his parents. He has different kind of loneliness that I cannot fully understand as I still have both of my parents.
However, I got some fun news! My zine arrived in Japan safely, and I got inquires for my postcards, etc. Also, one of my zine making friends answered my question about proof reading on her radio program! All of them cheered me up. Thank you.
It's a rainy and cloudy day and so is my mood. But it's ok. It's ok to be sad or depressed. I will be fine including my down time.
How are you feeling today?
(NY state announced that this lockdown lasts at least till April 19th. It’s my birthday... hope we all be celebrating by then.)
LOVE, Yuko