
Quarantine Diary 4/2/20









Day15. We went to the bodega for the first thing in the morning. I sent out my zine. Japan is not receiving letters from many foreign countries. Expect from America... Hm? It doesn't make sense, but it works for me. Several zines had arrived in Japan. The one I put in the mail box almost four weeks ago and the one from two weeks ago are arriving at the same time. I guess they are trying to reduce lots of flight. I started the free zines just because I want to share, but under this circumstances, it works perfectly. I will keep making!

This is a store run by ladies that we've using for the delivery service, and today they had tofu and miso!! Oh my, they are my savior. If you are in Brooklyn, go check with them!

I like how we are keep checking on each other lately. I love my people and it's time to let them know. I keep saying that this is still better than war. No side. Everyone share the same pain.

↑This YouTube is all in Japanese, but if you understand some, please try! They are saying that this is happening in order to make people kinder and also to make people realize that we are all same: Earthlings, not like Japanese, American, Indian... Hm, it's too hard to explain and it is kinda like those conspiracy theories but not scary one. Actually it was so close to what I was thinking. People are getting nicer. We are helping each other globally. I am not rich but I am trying to do what I am capable of. 

On the other hands, we have to check our government to see if they are doing good job. But not rely on them. As a foreigner, I have lived that way. I am paying tax, but I won't get the same support as same as Americans. Being foreigner was my choice, but how many people on this planet being a foreigner in the country they were born? We should be critical to the politicians, but at the same time help each other. Beyond the countries, and beyond the race, or belief. I know we can do that.

Our dinner is miso soup, tofu, canned collard green and kimchi, rice.

LOVE, Yuko


Yuko Weiner  ワイナー祐子
zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!