6/9/20 Quarantine Diary
#わたしは伊藤詩織氏を支持します これすごく大事だと思う。数年前にアメリカで起こった#MeTooと違って、伊藤さんはひとりでたくさんを背負ってきたから。こういうやり方はもう立ちいかないなぁと思う。今アメリカで起こっている運動はリーダーがいない。だから集中攻撃されることも暗殺されることもない。それがいいなぁと思う。昨日からNY市が第一段階オープンになって、なんだか空気の張りがなくなったような感じもあるけれど、休みながらでいいから続けていきたいなと思う。今日はブルックリンで子供のデモがあったみたい。ステキ。
Day 83. It's a clear sunny day again. Had reft over miso soup. And then coffee.
I had the random zoom meeting again. Today, there was not anyone to join me till the very last minutes and then we talked like an hour. That was great.
I had this super cute paper which I got in Japan last Christmas. I loved this drawing and now I want to share with others. So I made some envelopes out of it. If you are interested in exchanging letters with me, let me know! You can reach me garden@yukoweiner.com.
There's this Japanese woman who fought against #MeToo movement by herself. Her name is Shiori ITO. Of course, people were supporting, but also there was enormous amount of backlash and hate. I don't know how she managed it. Her trial is still on, but now, as response to Hana KIMURA who killed herself because of hate on social media, ITO san decided to take action on her own haters. I am standing with her. But also, movement like #MeToo should go beyond. And by that I mean we must stop put a lot of pressure on one person.
This uprising in US has no particular leader and I think that is great. So no one will get assassinated.
The air in NYC is kinda lifted. There is something light in it. I don't want this to calm down, but also in order to continue this movement, we have to pace it. There was this protest of children in Brooklyn today. They have all the right to talk. It is their world.
LOVE, Yuko