
[Call Me] by Me'Shell Ndegéocelloで英語勉強

Singer : Me'shell Ndegerocello
Released : 1993


  1. digit:桁数。two-digit figure/numberで2桁の数字。
    小数点:dicimal point
    分数:fraction  numerator/denominator
    割り算:division (20 divided  by 2 equals 10)
    足し算:addition 引き算:subtraction(3 subtracted from 5 leaves 2)
    掛け算:multiplication(4 multiplied by 2 equals 8  4x2=8)

  2. I will be over there in a hurry :言い回し I will come in a rushとか言っちゃいそうだけど、これがきっと自然なんでしょう。rushもhurryも差はない。

  3. nimble:動作の速さだけでなくて反応や思考の俊敏なことも表現する.
    例)Legacy automakers scramble to counter 'existential threat' from nimble Chinese EV makers。existential threatは”存続の危機”。

  4. call me up:callだけでももそうだけど、call upは明確に”電話する”

  5. soothe :someone with someone's presence:sootheはto affording physical relief, freeing from fear and anxiety.
    例)how to soothe a crying baby、to soothe pain/headache/nerves/anxiety/the mind/the throat
    presence:存在ってなんかexisitingて出てきがちだけど自然なのはpresence。存在すること、居ることを意味。神様が存在するって信じてる she said she feels a presence of a ghost.「存在感がない」「影が薄い」はhave no/a weak presenceで表せる。

  6. king for a day:そのまま1日(だけの)王ですが、いろんな歌の歌詞に使われてる象徴的言い回しっぽい。"Queen for a Day"も。

  7. to get loose :To drink, relax, and act very carefree スラングではhave funとなる。ここではちょっとセクシーな意味??

  8. kinky:変態的な。2005年『キンキーブーツ』という映画があった。

  9. fantasy :日本語のファンタジーよりも広範にあり得ない現実的でないことを指す。surrealと似てる。Native Campによると驚きなどのニュアンスがある。delusionだと現実離れした考えでおまけに間違ってるということで妄想。

  10. work up a sweat:to become sweaty through exercise or hard work。hard workがポイント。似た表現に to break a sweatがある。これも一汗かく感じの意味だけど、短期間でガンガン汗かくイメージらしい。NativeCampヨリ

  11. to fall out :1)to have a disagreement that leads to a falling out with another person (with someone) 2)​to become loose and drop(髪の毛や歯)。ここでは 気が済むまでみたいな意味か?

  12. snugger than a bug in a rug:extremely cozy and comfortable. snugcozyと同じく主に場所が心地よいことを表す. Cozy suggests warmth, shelter, assured ease, and friendliness.snug suggests having just enough space for comfort and safety but no more. 

  13. Warm rays of sun:a ray=a narrow line of light, heat, or other energy or ray of something でa small amount of something good, or of something 例)There was just one small ray of hope.

  14. When words aren't of the essence:of essenceでabsolutely nessory。話言葉、つまり話(words)がof the essenceでないなら….ちなみにessenceは少しフォーマルなワード。time is of the essenceで時間厳守。
    例)Do you know what the essence of honesty is? 正直であることの本質がわかる?


When you want me, baby, yeah
Just call, call me
When you need me, baby, yeah
Just call me up, call me

Dial the 7 digits
It's quite simple
I'll be there in a hurry
Jack be quick Jack be nimble
Call me up when you feel the need to talk
When words aren't of the essence I'll soothe you with my presence
A kiss here and there from head to toe
Just call me up when you want more
You can be king for a day I'll be your queen let me treat you that way

When you want me, baby, yeah
Just call, (call me up, hey) call me
When you need me, baby, yeah
Just call me
Just call me up and I'll be there for you (call me)

Are you into this
If not we can do that 'cause when we get together
It's like Lena Horne singin'Stormy weather"
We can get loose and kinky
Be my teddy bear, forget your every care
The M-E-S-H-E-E-L and I aim to please your every little fantasy
You can be king for a day I'll be your queen let me treat you that way

When you want me, baby, yeah
Just call, (call me up, hey) call me
When you need me, baby, yeah
Just call me
Just call me up and I'll be there for you (call me)

Get loose work out
Work up a sweat till you fall out I'm in the mood for love
So we can play house I'll treat you like Julius Caesar
Best to bet that I'll treat you like a king, ring a ding ding
Just call me up 'cause it ain't nothing but the real thing
Dazin'glazin', so amazin'
Snugger than a bug in a rug
So let's get crazy

When you want me, baby, yeah
Just call, (call me up, hey) call me
When you need me, baby, yeah
Just call me
Just call me up and I'll be there for you (call me)

Warm rays of sun, you and me
Call me up (call me up, baby)
(Call me)
Warm rays of sun, you and me
(Just call me up)
(Me and you) me and you
(Call me)

When you want me (call me)
When you need me (call me)
When you want me (all you gotta do is call me)
When you want me (call me)
Baby, when you need me (call me)
When you want me (all you gotta do is call me)

When you want me (call me)
When you need me (call me)
(Just call, all you gotta do is call me)
When you want me (call me)
When you need me (call me)
(Just call me up) call me up (all you gotta do is call me)

Yo, dial the seven digits
It's quite simple
I'll be there in a hurry
Jack, be quick, Jack, be nimble
Call me up when you feel the need to talk
When words aren't of the essence I'll soothe you with my presence
A kiss here and there from head to toe
And when it's over call me up when you want more
Call me up, baby (call me)


Jack, be quick, Jack, be nimbleは、イギリスのマザーグースにある歌のようです。

Meshell ndegeocelloをよく聞いていたのは90年半ばくらいまでだったので2000年になってからBlueNoteだったかでのライブにいったとき、見た目があまりにも変わっててびっくりしたのを覚えている…&曲調もちょっと本当に神がかりな感じになっていたなあ。この頃が好きだなあ!

nimbleの例文で使ったto scramble to counter a threatはニュースで使われやすい表現ポイ。脅威に対抗すべく奮闘中という意味だけど、トランプに関係するニュースで「Canada and Mexico scramble to counter Trump's tariff threat」というタイトル発見。
