[When You Gonna Learn] by Jamiroquai で英語勉強
大学生のころには歌詞なんか無視してクラブミュージックとしてたしなんでいたジャミロクワイ。ライブも行った。ゴム人形みたいなJKが面白かった。最近はそうでもないけど、当初は社会派な彼らでした。Too young to dieとともにストレートな歌詞が、痛い作品。ビデオも訴えるものがあってこの時代こそ、お偉いたちに聞いてほしい。
Released : 1992 October
この年、ユーゴスラヴィア内戦激化、ソマリア飢饉などがあり、他方、地球環境サミットがブラジルで開催され、欧州で通貨危機が起きていました。日本ではバブル崩壊ですね。music videoは冒頭、瘦せこけた子どもが出てきます。
right across the world=around the world
to pledge:to primise but more formally. 5日前に「US ‘likely’ to pledge new climate target, says White House」というタイトルでニュース出てた。新たな気候目標をアメリカが約束する…
Armageddon :アルマゲドン 世界の終わり
to come near : to come closeとどう違うのかと思ったが調べたらinterchangableだった
foresight : the ability to see what is likely to happen in the future and to take appropriate action.
forethought(n) : the act of thinking or planning in advance,
Insight(n) is the ability to understand what is happening in the present.
Oversight(n) is unintentional failure to notice or consider:Oversightは見落としや監督不足を意味する.Verbだとoverlook(v)が見落とすという意味。ここから連想ゲームでoversee(v)…も似てるよねと。こちらは意味は全然違って監督する…。hypocrite(/ˈhɪpəkrɪt/):insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have. a person who practices hypocrisy.
Mountain high and river deep: ティナターナの歌の引用。
there's no <something> left <somewhere> :言い回し~にはもう何も残ってない
例)there is no food left in the refgi.
重い例なら、、there is nothing left to say。最近、見かけたGazaの記事ではパレスチナ人の人がイスラエルを表した言葉"they want nothing left alive"😿greedy:having or showing an intense and selfish desire for wealth or power.
all the life: this emphasizes the individuality of each living being compraring to "all life" emphasizing the collective nature of living thing
take it all away :to completely remove or deprive someone of everything they have. 見れば意味わかるんだけど、自分ですぐ出てくるかって問題。例えば…The frozen shoulders took all my motivation to work.肩こりひどくて働く気失せた。
know(tell) right from wrong :the ability to distinguish between what is good and what is bad, or what is right and what is wrong. 例)Our sense of right from wrong directly depends on the trend at the time, and also depends on what we are told by our parents.
to upset the balance: to disrupt of distub a state of equilibrium or harmony
例)Working overtime upseted the balance of my daily routine.in your hands:something is in your possession or under your control.日本語だと掌握となると思うのだけど、onといってしまいそうだけど、in)
fade away:gradually grow faint and disappear.
i know it's got to be that way:そう(the way)なる(got to be)
すこしかえて there’s got to be a way to save it. 救う方法がある
Yeah, yeah
Have you heard the news today?
People right across the world
Are pledging they will play the game
Victims of a modern world
Circumstance has brought us here
Armageddon's come too near, too too near, now
Foresight is the only key
To save our children's destiny
The consequences are so grave, so so grave, now
The hypocrites, we are their slaves
So, my friends, to stop the end
On each other, we depend
Oh, we depend
Mountain high and river deep
Stop it going on
We gotta wake this world up from its sleep
Oh, people, stop it going on
Yeah, yeah
Have you heard the news today?
Money's on the menu in my favourite restaurant
Well, don't talk about quantity
Cause there's no fish left in the sea
Greedy men been killing all the life there ever was
And you'd better play in nature's way
She will take it all away
And don't try and tell me you know more than her
About right from wrong
Oh, you've upset the balance, man
Done the only thing you can
Now my life is in your hands
Mountain high and river deep, oh yeah
We've gotta stop it going on
We gotta wake this world up from its sleep
Oh, people, stop it going on
Mountain high and river deep
We've gotta stop it going on
We gotta wake this world up from its sleep
Oh, people, stop it going on
Greedy men will fade away, yeah, yeah, yeah
When we stop it going on
I know it's got to be that way
When people stop it going on
I'm askin'
Oh, when you gonna learn
To stop it going on
Now, when you gonna learn
To stop it going on
Now, when you gonna learn
To stop it going on
Oh, when you gonna learn to stop it going on?
And you'd better play in nature's way
She will take it all away
And don't try and tell me you know more than her
About right from wrong
To save our children's destinyとありますが、これはMarvin GayeのSave the childrenに出てくるThat's destined to die を思い起させますね。