
[Under your spell] by Atlantic Starrで英語勉強

perfomencer :Atlantic Starr
released : 1989



  1. under someone's spell :If you are under someone 's spell, you are so fascinated by them that you cannot think about anything else.いや~恋心ですね。under a spellだと魔法かけられてるみたいな感じ。

  2. a magnet :ここでは「磁石みたいに・・」で使われてるがmagnetic appealであらがえない魅力、魅惑的な人をmagnetic personality. magnetism. 磁力はmagnetism.

  3. tried to fight it: 君の魅力に抵抗しようと戦ったんだということだと思うけどresistとどう違うのかニュアンス調べるだけで10分かかってしまった。resistはそれに

  4. captivate:to attract and hold someone's attention or interest, often through charm, art, or a special trait
    attractとの違いはHi Nativeによれば、captivateの方が強い感じ。
     song captivated the audience.

  5. mistefy :be a mystery or bewildering(cause to be confused emotionally) to,make mysterious.ちなみにbewilderは文章語みたいで、baffleの方が会話で出てくる”混乱””戸惑う”という意味みたいですね。

  6. penetrating eyes:penetrating gaze/stare/look:If someone gives you a penetrating look, you feel as if they know what you are thinking。penetrating injury(何かが深く刺さるとか貫通するとかの怪我)

  7.  to hypnotize:hyposis(催眠術、夢想)

  8. to tantilize :to tease or torment by or as if by presenting something desirable to the view but continually keeping it out of reach.(つまり、じらす)a tantilizing hintで分かりそうなヒント・・とか、the smell of the meat grilled tantilized meお肉の香りにそそられたとか・・

  9. to energize :give vitality and enthusiasm to.
    例)Being social can provide a boost of energizing self-esteem.

  10. give me this look of pain :この場合のlookは「表情」といった感じでしょうか。ドラマで(男子をお持ち帰りした友人に)「I know the looook!!」と朝帰りしてお疲れだね!!知ってるよ、その感じ!と言っていたのと同じだな。他にも「dont give me the look」で、そんな目で見ないでよという意味らしい。ココでは辛そうにしていた、という意味でしょうか。

  11. to moan :to make a long, low sound, usually due to pain or suffering. ただここではセクシーなうめき声だと思われる…。

  12. to call out :utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy. この歌詞では優しく(tenderly)声を上げた、ということで、これもセクシーな声すかね。

  13. to achieve a plan:計画達成を私が考えるとcompleteになってたのでメモ。

  14. put an end to something:何かを終わらせるのに「終止符を打つ」とか「終わりにする」って日本語でもいう表現ですね。

  15. to take a hold off of someone/something: to release or stop holding onto something, essentially meaning to let go of something you were previously gripping or controlling
    例)You need to take a hold off of him once you make up your mind to break up with him.別れるって決めたなら手を離さないと!恋心…。


Spell, spell
Under your spell, under your spell
Girl, release me, from under your spell

Like a magnet
You're pulling me close to you
But it's against my own will
I've tried to fight it
But there's nothing I can do
I feel captivated even still
Ooh, I ain't no single man
I've got a wonderful girl
Just as sweet as she can be
And I'm in love
Oh, but lately I've been dreamin'
'Bout this paradise world
With you in it, yeah
It's you I've been dreamin' of
And it's because I'm...

Under your spell, under your spell
Please release me from under your spell
Oh, your spell, it's changing my life
Girl, release me from under your spell
You've got me mystified
By your penetrating eyes
I'm tantalized just from your chemistry
I'm hypnotized by the glow
Of your beauty, girl
I'm energized just from the fantasy
Last night while I was making
Sweet love to my girl
She gave me this look of pain, oh...
When I asked her what was wrong
She said that I began to moan
Then I tenderly called out
Someone else's name
And it's because I'm...

Under your spell, under your spell
Please release me from under your spell, oh...
Ooh, your spell, it's changing my life
Girl, release me from under your spell

Oh, now that you have achieved your plan
And you stole the mind of someone else's man
Let the fun be over, put an end to this game
Take your hold off of me or I'll be driven insane

Whoo, your spell, baby
Please release me from under your spell
Oh, your spell, it's changing my life
Girl, release me from under your spell


87年の『All in the Name of Love』もいい歌で、わたしのall life favoriteの一つ。メロディが素敵。
in the name of~は「~の名前で」予約するとかに使われる言い回し.

今回 captivateが出てきたが、それで思い出したのがcultivate。なんか似てる…?
to cultivate :to adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment、prepare for crops、foster the growth of
例)Four Soft Skills You Need to Cultivate for Long-Term Career Successという例文を見つけたものの、これを見るとto fosterとの違いがいまいちわからなくなる。
Hi Nativeで次のような説明発見。
"Foster" implies caring, nurturing and encouragement. For example, "the teacher's task is to foster learning"."Cultivate" feels more focused on the effort involved. It's original use was so do with preparing land for crops.I'd usually use foster if it's do do with people, and cultivate if it's to do with plants.
