
[Better off dead] by Bill Withers で英語勉強

Performancer Bill Withers
Released  1971

Lovely day のイメージと思えば、こんな歌も歌います、Bill.
アルコール中毒の男性が奥さんに捨てられる歌。better off の使い方例の歌、みたいな(笑)


  1. to pawn:質に入れる
    to pawn off :to discard something unwanted by giving or selling it to one (under the pretense of it being something else).
    例)He was forced to pawn off his car in order to pay his rent for the month.
    名詞もあって、チェスの駒を指すところから、捨て駒の意味にもなる。a Pawn sacrifice 捨て駒 と使われることも。

  2. better off :in a more fortunate or prosperous.例)As a computer programmer, you're better off moving to a city that's home to a lot of tech companies.


She couldn’t stand me anymore so she just took the kids and went.
You see, I’ve got a drinkin’ problem, all the money that we had I spent.
Now I must die by my own hand ‘cause I’m not man enough to live alone.
Hey, hey, she’s better off without me and I’m better off dead now that she’s gone

Ah, she gave the most, took the least, she even had the priest come to our home.
And I cried and prayed and promised that I’d leave the stuff alone.
Now I must leave what I can’t face, I hope she finds the kids a happy home.
Hey, hey she’s better off without me and I’m better off dead now that she’s gone.

She used to call her friend and cry, then the man cut off the telephone.
She’d sit and cry while I went out and pawned the things we owned.
Now I must die by my own hand ‘cause I’m not man enough to live alone.
Hey, hey she’s better off without me and I’m better off dead.


Bill withers がアルコール依存症だった事実は無剳そう。
