
[An affair to remmenber] by Nat King Coleで英語勉強


performancer : Nat king coleがオリジナル
released : 1957


Our love affair is a wondrous thing
That we'll rejoice in remembering
Our love was born with our first embrace
And a page was torn out of time and space
Our love affair, may it always be
A flame to burn through eternity
So take my hand with a fervent prayer
That we may live and we may share
A love affair to remember

So take my hand with a fervent prayer
That we may live and we may share
A love affair to remember


  1. wonderous : wonderfulよりもずっと強い素晴らしい。でもあまり日常では使わないみたい。

  2. to rejoice : to be incredibly happy, or to express your incredible happiness.
    We rejoiced by screaming when we found we won millions in the lottery

  3. embrace : ここれは名詞(the act of clasping another person in the arms)だけど動詞もあり(①to squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms②to include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory)
    As enterprises prepare to embrace a new generation of semiautonomous AI agents to enhance various business processes, they’ll focus on creating robust infrastructure, governance and human-like capabilities for effective large-scale deployment.

  4. fervent : to describe a person or thing that shows very strong feelings or enthusiasm. passionateとの違いがいまいちわからない・・a fervent supporter、a fervent messageとか使える


この映画は、もっと昔1939年に制作した映画「邂逅」(Love Affair)のリメイク。そっちも見ないと思ってみていない。
原作名はAn Affair to Remember。美しいデボラカーがもう!!二人の丁々発止の会話シーンは、007の「カジノロワイヤル」でもなぞらえいる。

なおlove affairって浮気とか情事と下世話な意味の方で登場するイメージなのだけど、この時代は「恋愛関係」というシンプルな意味が強かったのだろうか?
